Is Civilization 7 not fun?
If you're not really into the civilization series, I would always wait when the game has a huge sale.
I started with Civ5 during a 10$ sale with all expansions, 200 Hours. As a treat I bought Civ6 on launch, which while slightly barebone (all civ games are on launch) was really fun, and after buying the expansions and a couple DLC I got 500h on it so clearly a good investment.
I would put Civ6 and Civ7 in your wishlist to get notified when there's a sale, and see if you like it or not after the fact.
The current reviews for 7 are mostly about the UI and the limited selection of civs to choose, also for some reason some players can't bare the idea of stopping the game at the cold war just before the moon landing.
Yep. For what it's worth. I played about six hours today and had an absolute blast. Definitely some UI weaknesses, but I've been focusing more on the big changes to the gameplay loop, and I like them so far.
But I'm just some random online.
Your disclaimer is what I really like tbh. We're all just random people online with our own opinions, why would anyone take our word for if something is fun?
I'm glad you're having a good time though!
Yeah, I now have six hours in the game between last night and today. I actually finally just stopped after a few hour stretch.
I’m having fun! But I also have seen some bugs. I can get behind waiting if some smaller bugs are annoying, but I’m enjoying the game quite a bit.
I’m pretty happy that it runs alright on my Mac Mini M4. Starts up quick and gets going. It defaults to High settings but I turned the shadows down a bit just to keep things a little smoother.
You should try Unciv. It's an open source Civilisation game. Yes, you can play online too. Not a very good looking game, but still awesome. Works on Android too.
They stole that and some other mechanics from Humankind, a game by the same studio as Endless Legend. It wasn't received that well in Humankind either, so I'm kinda surprised that they stole it anyway, but I guess line must go up and they didn't have a lot of inspiration themselves?
Yeah, its game mechanics are very similar to Civ5, which is still considered one of the high points in the Civ series. And it does reproduce them quite well, so I do think that can give you a good impression, if Civ is for you.
Humankind is free on EGS.
another round, here we go
Civ games at launch are often a bit of a mixed bag, and the games improve over time with patches and expansions. That being said, the game isn't even fully out yet, and early Steam reviews are notoriously unreliable and undifferentiated. For your first civ game, maybe look at earlier titles like Civ 5 or 6. They have aged very well, I still play 6 all the time.
Unpopular opinion turn base is boring.
Rather pkay something like Stellaris where it turns to turn Base cause My 2012 pc can't handle the game with 309 mods. -
Played the mobile version on and old iPhone 3g growing up. Had no clue what i was doing but loved every second of it
i tried it for 2h and refunded it, since i didnt enjoy it like the previous civs.
It just didnt click for me and was not worth 100€ imo.I might check it out again in a year or so on a sale
Civilization V
Just start with that one and you won't regret it.
What about 4?
Never played it myself, but goddamn is that Baba Yetu song awesome. It’s been on my playlist for many years.
This right here.
I played 6 at launch and it was a huge downgrade from 5 but now it's been updated so much it's now unrecognizable from what was released as 6.
Every patch, update, and DLC will change it incrementally back into a similar experience as the others. They like to try to get real wild with the initial release but it tends to get back to the same sort of things eventually.