Trump-Zelenskyy meeting live: White House talks break down
I have even more admiration for Zelenskyy after that. He kept his cool through the completely inappropriate behavior, while respectfully maintaining his stance. His commitment to his people over his own ego made him the only adult in the Oval Office today.
This was humiliating for Americans. I would’ve been less embarrassed had JD started fucking the Oval Office furniture.
I'm transcribing it so people don't have to watch. CSPAN has deleted some of the texts, so I'm not positive it will have everything, but I can't bear to check everything. I know to check if they misspell a word fantastically though, that's probably a tell.
Blackmail is coercion by using the threat of exposing evidence of wrongdoing. Extortion is coercion by the exertion of inappropriate leverage; for example a "protection racket" is a form of extortion whereby a criminal organization guarantees protection (often from itself) in return for payment.
Haven't read
Neither has Trump.
His ghostwriter did his best with the limited information Trump gave him to work with.
I just watched the last half of the full meeting. Zelensky asked what guarantees there are the Russians won't just invade again. The subtext of which is an offer to house US troops in Ukraine. But all the fucking clown car heard was a challenge to their machismo.
So they shouted him down and just loudly asserted he would either sign their deal or fight it out. Along the way they manage to insult him by treating him like a child and pretending that previous broken agreements, (invasion of Crimea, Invasion of Donetsk, and Invasion of Ukraine) were because Putin didn't respect the American President enough. But Putin is also the victim in all of this according to Trump.
I've seen better diplomacy from a high school football team.
For more subtext, if there were any real guarantees then this would not have happened in the meeting with the press. Zelensky would have told reporters there were guarantees. This entire blow up means that Trump already told him there would be no guarantees other than the honor system. Which, even if Trump is right, (Putin respects Trump and won't invade while he's president), Zelensky knows that means Putin will invade again in 2028 after Trump's term is over. And that's without getting into all of the implications about Putin holding this over Trump's head for concessions so Trump can appear to be the peacemaker.
I agree with Trump on one thing. We're fucking around with World War 3, but Trump isn't a peacemaker, he's Chamberlain. Right down to berating the leaders who are asking for help to stop the aggressive country.
I had to donate to United24, because, what else can I do?
Yes, actually the plan literally is to Judgement Day the planet.
"The Bible predicts the final world conflict will happen on the plain of Megiddo in Israel when the superpowers assemble together to do battle," he explained. "Well, I think we can see now how a regional conflict could quickly escalate into a worldwide conflict. And that is going to happen one day."
Aren't you glad you asked?
Brit here.
Слава України! Ви любов вас. Моя сімʼя і Я надія that you prevail.You have a beautiful country and people. Don’t lose hope. I hope that Europe and the UK find a solution that gives Ukraine the edge to push them back.
I’ve wanted us (fwiw) to put boots on the ground in UKR for a long time despite Putin’s threats. Pretty sure the Polish do too.
Все нас любов. Excuse the crap learner Ukrainian.
Krasnov activated. Again.
Fucking hell, what a bunch of clowns this administration is.
Guess it’s just a matter of time now before Putin says fuck it and goes all out on land grabs. Clearly these dipshits never bothered to educate themselves on the escalation of WW2….
I’m sorry. There’s a lot of us that agree with you and are disgusted by this. This was hard to watch - I’ve never seen a US president act so childish when given the opportunity to oppose an ACTUAL dictator.
Any true American knows that Putin is a threat to the world and democracy. He won’t just stop with Ukraine.
Trump and Vance are cowards in the face of real evil.
I figured that I must not be the only one who thought that Trump’s behavior was disguisting. Thank you for reminding that you feel the same.
It’s just that with all these loud dumbasses who think that it’s not their war to fight makes me wonder if people remember how WWII started.
I really do hope that most of the world is sane though. -
Yes, you’re not alone. It’s unfortunate, but the idiots speak louder than the sane ones. I hope that this being posted everywhere does actually get people thinking in the right kind of way…
Zelenskyy is correct. We will see problems here eventually if these fools don’t step in. It just won’t be until this idiot is out of office.
I know a lot of the followers think this way, but there's no chance Trump is christian.
Thank you!
It just pisses me off that degenerates like the Cheeto man try to frame Zelensky not willing to surrender as him not wanting to ”peace” because the people who have no idea believe this.
I hate seeing jackasses like Musk and Trump in power. I hate hearing people who have no stakes in the war spew out negative BS about Ukraine just for the fuck of it, giving zero shits about how it may affect the people who actually care.
I appreciate all the kind words from people. It’s just hard not to fall into depression seeing all of this.