The Weirdness Comes Out When we're Together
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The couple has come to the point where they feel safe letting their inner childs out, having both spent their youths surrounded by abusive narcissists, forced to repress themselves.
Their relationship may soon become codependent and dysfunctional, as their CPTSD inducing upbringings have left them with no concept of how to exert, maintain, and respect boundaries with other humans they regularly interact with.
Well, that's not as wholesome as I expected
surrounded by abusive narcissists,
Hey, that's discriminatory. They could have easily been surrounded by abusive autists, abusive schizophrenics, or even abusive neurotypicals.
Gee thanks you made it depressing
I mean technically yes, but usually CPTSD is caused by being surrounded by abusive narcissists.
And you can be narcissistic + autistic/schizophrenic/ADHD/BiPolar/BPD/ASPD/DID/etc, whole lots of possible and varying-degrees-of-likely comorbidity combinations involving narcissism (NPD).
The other main cause of CPTSD is basically being homeless, living in a war zone.
Given the nature of this comic and its audience... homelessness?, maybe, living in a war zone?, probably not.
Just callin' it as I see it.
You could see the totality of this as a kind of educational 'what are red flags in relationship dynamics' kind of way, so that you can realize when you, your partner, or your friends in relationships like this, and take steps to solidify their/your own independent, self-determined identities so as to avoid drama and heartbreak in the future.
In that sense, this is a PSA, you are now armed with knowledge, and knowing is half the battle, lol.
Abuse causes PTSD.
Abuse does not, in fact, require mental illness. It just requires you to be a fucking cunt.
usually CPTSD is caused by being surrounded by abusive narcissists.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
You're missing the difference between PTSD and CPTSD.
PTSD is more often used to describe how a person responds to a single, or few, traumatic experiences.
A person can be a cunt once, and give someone else PTSD.
CPTSD is more often used to describe how a person responds to consistent, constantly occuring traumatic experiences that keep happening for a long period of time.
For a person to consistently cause trauma to another person, to regularly abuse them, for a long period of time, they would definitionally have normalized inducing trauma in others and being abusive as a consistent behavioral trait.
Barring living in a warzone or being homeless or constantly being robbed or assaulted...
If you grow up in family where you are used to constantly being lied to, manipulated, gaslit, tricked, belittled, mocked, or physically attacked or deprived by the people who ostensibly are supossed to love you and take care of you...
Those people that do that for a decade or two, consistently, likely suffer from some kind of diagnosable mental illness or disorder, especially so if you view substance abuse as primarily a mental health condition, which you should.
Normal, nondisordered people do not consistently abuse those they claim to love for multiple decades.
How do doctors diagnose complex PTSD?
The ICD-11Trusted Source states that a clinician must determine that a person meets all the criteria for traditional PTSD before diagnosing complex PTSD.
In addition, the person must show problems with self-regulation, low self-esteem, a sense of shame or guilt related to past trauma, and problems maintaining relationships with others.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition _in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. _They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder _may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. _But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.
People who are constantly subjected to traumatizing experiences from Narcissists, who themselves are trying to make others feel worse about themselves by belittling others, will often develop the symptoms of Narcissistic Abuse, which broadly overlap with the definition of CPTSD I italicized.
Narcissistic victim or abuse syndrome is an unofficial diagnosis that can develop after experiencing narcissistic abuse. Common symptoms include confusion, anxiety, hypervigilance, and avoidance behavior. The effects of psychological manipulation can lead to long-term consequences for victims, such as isolation, self-blame, or loss of identity.
The few estimates we do have for general population for NPD ranges up to 6.2% for lifetime prevalence for a 2008 study of 34,653 adults. There are also estimates of up to even 14.73% based on various community samples from older studies, according to Associate Clinical Professor of Harvard Medical School, Dr. Elsa Ronningstam. For the clinical population, there is also a wide range of 1.3%– 17% prevalence rates when we consider different studies.
Seems like roughly 15% of people are Narcissists.
Compare that to the prevalence of the other disorders you gave, Autism and Schizophrenia.
One in 36 (2.8%) 8-year-old children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to an analysis published today in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR). The new findings are higher than the previous 2018 estimate that found a prevalence of 1 in 44 (2.3%). The data come from 11 communities in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network and are not representative of the entire United States.
Autism is at around 3%, by best current measurements.
Schizophrenia affects approximately 24 million people or 1 in 300 people (0.32%) worldwide. This rate is 1 in 222 people (0.45%) among adults (2).
Schizophrenia is at about half a percent.
Combine all of that together, and you've got CPTSD symptoms and Narcissistic Abuse symptoms being very similar, and Narcissism being far more prevalent than Autism or Schizoohrenia.
Thus, CPTSD is indeed usually caused by Narcissists doing narcisstic abuse, barring situations where CPTSD is caused by things like homelessness, extreme poverty, living in a warzone.
As for abusive neurotypicals causing CPTSD... a person who regularly engages in abusive behavior for a long period of time is not actually neurotypical.
If you mean that its a whole bunch of seperate neurotypicals taking turns being shitty occasionally, resulting in constant abuse of a person to cause them to develop CPTSD, well now you're basically describing a warzone, being homeless or extremely poor.
Always upvote vintage GI Joe
Narcissistic abuse is an unofficial diagnosis because it doesn't exist. I asked for extraordinary evidence, and you gave evidence that isn't even good enough to meet the regular standards. You're just spreading baseless rumours with no grounding in peer reviewed science.
Well, you first selectively quoted me and removed all the context, and now you've just entirely fabricated a quote that I did not say.
Everything I quoted and linked to is written by professionals, with relevant degrees in the field, and/or directly references peer reviewed studies, so when you say I didn't even provide regular evidence, that's a lie.
Is it extraordinary evidence?
No, but my claim wasn't extraordinary.
Its just putting the broadly agreed upon facts amongst psychologists together, and then using a bit of math.
You seem quite manipulative, duplicitous, aggressive and defensive about the topic of narcissism.
... I wonder why.
What kind of person says:
Narcissistic abuse is an unofficial diagnosis because it doesn't exist.
Man, what kind of person would tell a narcissistic abuse victim their symptoms don't exist?
There's... a word for ... that... I swear... I just can't quite remember it off the top of my head.
Oh well.
Anyway, have you ever heard Blue Monday?
Love that song.
people having fun
The fuck happened here
People got in an argument about metal health stuff that was way off topic from the post. I decided to remove the whole thread since it quickly got out of hand.
While not everything in this community will be sunshine and rainbows, I do like to keep things generally wholesome.