Japan ‘on verge of no longer functioning’ after birth rate plummets to record new low
Isn't there a protection where there may not be any new Japanese births by 2050? That they'll essentially cease to be (pure Japanese)?
That's a form of eugenics. More specifically, it would be classed as "positive social eugenics".
::: spoiler Clarification
The use of the term "positive" does not mean it is a "good" thing. It just means that individuals with percieved "desirable" traits are encouraged to mate more than the "undesirables". Conversely, an example of negative eugenics would be murdering/sterilizing the "undesirables"."Social eugenics" simply means that the "desirable" trait is not genetic, but rather a social construct, in this case wealth.
::: -
Plus wealth generally means power and connections, all of which makes it easier for someone to get wealthy.
Microsoft would almost certainly have never become what it is if Bill Microsoft wasn't wealthy enough to have a family computer ahead of most people being able to have one at home, and his mother wasn't friends with an IBM chair.
Naturally, IBM would be much more likely to hire someone who comes with the recommendation of a higher-up than Afferige Mann, who is applying based on an ad in the paper, and has only worked retail.
Plus wealth gives a safety net. It didn't matter for Bill if the first few Microsofts failed, he can try again until he hits it big. Afferige has non-such luck. If he starts a company and it folds, he may not have the money to start another.
Is this supposed to be a jab at people criticising Christianity? Because the same problems can be found in non-Christian countries, does not mean Christianity didn't have a role in what happened elsewhere
I think plenty of them also think it’s far enough in the future that it won’t affect them (spoiler alert: it’s not)
nothing about the idea of having children appeals to me in the slightest
No, it's describing how fascists all share similar beliefs, no matter what you call it.
Isn't it interesting that the more "developed" countries have the lowest birth rates.
The problem with conspiracy theories is that they're trying to assign a single point of blame to a complete systemic failure. The feeling is that if we can simply find out who is doing this and boil it down to one person or one group we can then simply attack that group and solve all our problems. That's exactly the ox that fascism has yolked on its ride to power in every single generation.
Not even the initial sexy time?
Why not just promote immigration. America seems to not have that problem
Oh no, not our out of control population growth fueled by resources running out as I type this comment and causing unspeakable damage to the biosphere of the planet.
Whatever will we do if our numbers fall below 7 billion.
Housing is pretty good in Japan outside of Tokyo, especially if you don't mind a bit of a train ride
that you can’t breed average people out.
Actually, you can. I'm referring to the middle class and their increasing difficulty in raising a family. A significant amount of them are choosing not to, which literally means they don't get to carry on their lineage.
I'm not going to get into the whys, but very poor people do not have the issue with reproducing that the middle class has.
The end result are rulers and servants.
Capitalism is the best we've got. Even North Korea has acknowledged this. With other systems people starve en masse. My hope is that we get over the taboo of regulation. Capitalism fucks up real-estate and wealth distribution. And health-care should 100% be government funded.
fear of decline
The olds expect women to quit basically when they marry or get pregnant. Worker protections are better these days, but the view is still there with some. Some couples do have to have one spouse quit because of the whole daycare thing in some areas, though.
There is a wage gap between men and women and fewer women are in positions of power, though the latter at least is slowly getting better.
Not having a child won't cancel societal expectations of the older generations. Women are often still expected to serve tea and do other things in older/traditional companies.
My company is a westernized Japanese company and we do have a number of women including in higher roles (though none on the board, I think). I'm in a remote IT role so I don't generally hang out after work with non-IT staff to hear real opinions or the rumor mill, though.
My wife was treated well and fairly by her small japanese company, but she has experienced some discrimination previously.
In our village, we do have work we do in the community every month or two (mostly cutting grass, litter picking, and maintaining shared spaces). Some things are definitely typically done by the men or women with women doing the inside cleaning and cooking at events with men doing the outside work. We've already broken that mold some as I'm also the cook (I baked things to bring to our last event).