Random people started sharing child pornography on my matrix server, what are my options?
Take the above comment and replace references to “FBI” with the French equivalent.
Though, if you keep registration closed, you’re unlikely to have this problem again.
Va à la Gendarmerie / Police Nationale et vois avec eux directement.
Then definitely don't follow my advice. lol I have no idea what french law is.
It is a bot that identifies CSAM images. They are a very skilled dev. The problem is content recognition on a server. So in abstract, it is the same problem.
Abstract solutions for content recognition with a bot on a server is not a platform specific issue. The dev is skilled and likely on Matrix too.
Probably should have given all of the evidence to the police instead of deleting some of it.
Or maybe not. ...
In most western jurisdictions platform operators are not liable for user content
Around here, OP would then automatically be a suspect for possession of the material. Possession is a crime. And that is far from funny. Better have a very good lawyer from minute 1.
Better delete it in the same minute when you found it.
if the cops are feeling extra "fun", it's possession and distribution, since OP operated a server that served CSAM between users. Lawyer up before telling the police "i unknowingly distributed incredibly illegal material from a server I own, here it is"
I would think very carefully before contacting the police. I am not suggesting that you should provide a safe harbor for people sharing CSAM, or obfuscate their crime. You absolutely should take action, but carefully weigh your options before calling the police.
While it may (possibly!) be true in your jurisdiction that platform operators are not liable for user content, police aren't on "your side". Even if you assume the highest standards of professionalism from them, they need to represent the interests of the victims (not you) and need to diligently investigate the crime. That means they need to confirm beyond reasonable doubt that you are not involved beyond operating the host.
Just because you self-disclose does not mean that you are innocent. You could've been actively participating and when threatened with blackmail you've decided to self-disclose to avert guilt.
Another consideration is what else I have on my server. I'm catch and release for pirate movies and TV these days so there's only 100gb or so. I do have several hundred pirate audiobooks though. Deleting all that before handing my server over will look very suspicious.
With all of this in mind, the only course of action is to talk to a lawyer. A lawyer will know exactly what laws are relevant, and can guide you through the process of self-disclosure while minimising the imposition on you.
TBH, this sounds like something to ask a lawyer. Since you're in France, there may or may not be statutes that protect witnesses or people trying to cooperate with law enforcement, and a lawyer who's familiar with your laws would be able to give you correct advice.
And in the event they give you bad advice, there may also be protections regarding "following the advice of counsel." In the US, following in good faith some bad advice from lawyers can result in protections or immunity from certain charges.
So do yourself a favor and get some proper legal advice.
I mean......I get where you're coming from, but fuck that!
I'd have deleted the entire matrix server entirely. Washed my hands of the entire thing.
Because you can go to the police, and say "There's child porn on MY server", and the cops MIGHT work with you to catch the people actually posting it.
They might take the easy way. There's a guy here, saying he's hosting a server with child porn. Arrest him, because we know who he is, and call it a win in the media. Yes thats not how the law works...but it's how lazy and corrupt cops work.
Cops are never your friend. I'd avoid any interactions with them that you can.
If you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems. That's not just cliche, it's true.
Don't call the cops, call a lawyer.
I would consult with a lawyer even now after the fact.
Horrible advice. Atrociously bad. Dont talk to the cops without consulting a lawyer.
Nah, the police are not your friend.
I didn't work an lw admin. I built this one my own (well as part of Haidra)
Anonymously report them. Don't call police they will come and take the server
DO NOT call the police. They will confiscate the server as evidence, and lakking any other suspect, you will be their primary lead. Police aren't about convictions or justice, they want to consider a case solved.
By law, you are not liable. But because of law enforcement incentives, it will absolutely become your problem.
I second this opinion. The parties responsible absolutely need to be held accountable but due to the severe nature of the crime you absolutely have to protect yourself.