Why would'nt this work?
You're gonna want a powerful laser probably and ain't no stick that big like not even fkn close not even we tried so that's why would'nt tbqh
I ran this by an engineer and they said the same thing
Excellent write up.
There's a bunch of these thought experiments that try to posit scenarios where C is violated.
Here's one I remember from uni involving scissors. Similar to what OP was thinking, but really really big scissors.
Long winded video about it:
'Are solid objects really “solid”?' (go-to 7:30)
I assume the post is saying that they’re both touching the ends of the stick and then one person pushes. It would be instant. What would sound have to do with an object moving? Purely mechanical communication.
Are you saying that the person on the moon would feel a tap from the other end or the person would actually push the stick forward towards the man’s hand on the moon?
I'm not a scientist, but when I asked the same question before they said, "compression."
Like, the stick would absorb the power of your push, and it would shrink (across its length) before the other end moved. When the other end does finally move, it's actually the compression reaching it.
Weigh on Earth or on Moon?
We're supposing that you have an herculean strengh and that weight is not a problem
Large if factual