Kroger’s Surveillance Pricing Harms Consumers and Raises Prices, With or Without Facial Recognition.
Every time you step into a grocery store, you step into a machinery of data that tracks, analyzes, shares, and influences your shopping behavior. Based on shopping history and data shared from data brokers—including internet browsing history and online purchases—grocery stores may infer your age, gender, race, economic status, family makeup, health conditions, or other lifestyle characteristics. Grocery stores might categorize shoppers as “interested in fitness and not price sensitive” based on often buying organic foods and visiting gym websites or “expecting mother with a toddler” based on purchases of prenatal vitamins and searching online for toddler-sized clothing. Grocers build detailed profiles of consumers to nudge them towards shopping choices that increase their profits, whether through different prices or personalized discounts and offers—at the expense of the consumer. Even worse, grocery stores also sell data gleaned about you to other companies, further enriching their profits while undermining consumers’ privacy.
T [email protected] shared this topic
don't forget about data obtained by your insurance, who'll jack up your premiums, and then jack them up again if you surpass the donuts purchased per month threshold
This week in "No shit, thats what its designed to do" Kroger invacive price cameras help Kroger raise prices across the board by seeing what consumers are willing to accept before they go somewhere else.
People please, use ca$h!
Gross, I will continue to never shop at Kroger's lol
Unfortunately they own a bunch of shit so it's not so easy to avoid for all areas
The Kroger Co. Family of Stores includes:
Baker’s City Market Dillons Food 4 Less Foods Co Fred Meyer Fry’s Gerbes Jay C Food Store King Soopers Kroger Mariano’s Metro Market Pay-Less Super Markets Pick’n Save QFC Ralphs Ruler Smith’s Food and Drug
Texas, 2032: Some poor teenage girl walks down the baby aisle with her mom and all the prices start changing.
Genuinely asking, what difference would it make if I walk into the QFC, get immediately Face ID’d, grab a box of pop tarts that are arbitrarily priced higher because some AI told Kroger that my social status indicated I’d pay top dollar for frosted blueberry, if I pay cash or card at the checkout counter?
So like, if a hundred of us all filed through a store, picked up this one item, then set it back down, it would potentially be cheaper next week?
Is this the new protest instead of not buying from a particular company? Next Kroger you visit, pick up and set down all the nestle products you can find.
Gonna have to wear a disguise, just to buy groceries.
My grandmother told stories of howl they would trade farm eggs for coffee from Kroger. Kroger is a bit different these days.
And so at small stores ran by local owners who can’t afford surveillance equipment and aren’t obsessed with profit
Yes why do you think they make you pay with your card or Walmart app if they can help it? So they can track your purchases
Yeah, but they're not going to deploy expensive tech to low-end stores. Margins at places like that are so thin, I'd guess running this system would break the bank.
The way Kroger works is that they absolutely ream you with the price-gouging if you don't let them track your purchases through your "kroger plus" card.
That's absolutely not true. They have your face which they can put a name on, they know which checkout you went to and everything you bought, if it's on sale or not, if it's within your usual purchase baseline, etc etc, all of which goes into their tracking system.
We don’t have a Krogers but that behavior is enough to not use the stores that do this.
Those people are just in denial. Look up clearview AI, The are paid by walmart and lowes and target,...... They don't care if you pay cash or with shmeckles or if you use a painted rock as a phone. They know you anyways. "smile, your on camera"