Hetzner announces price hike for cloud servers and bandwidth cut of up to 95%
Well it not like they burn constantly they only burned
oncetwice! As for the 2fa problem, I've missed it because it was activated already. They are mostly okay now, I think my company lost a few millions when they burned (all our infrastructure was there). -
Check out Lunanode. Cheapest option is 3.50 a month and bonus points for being Canadian. I just recently set my VPS up there and am really pleased with them. Afaik they support your needs including custom ISO.
Well that puts the loss of my little VPS into perspective.
$1 per month is expensive?
Well the cheapest there is $2/month, but yeah for a single core I dont think I would be worth the effort to setup, let alone also pay for
You can get 4 cores, 6gb ram, 200gb ssd for 6$ per month from contabo.
Lets normalize the price for comparison.
6/3 = 2
So for the same normalized price you get:
- 4/3 = 1.333 cores
- 6/3 = 2GB RAM
- 200/3 = 66GB SSD storage
And the math gets even worse if you compare the other tiers.
I like racknerd for cheap vps. Check their black Friday deals (they're up all the time).
Also check lowendtalk, sometimes you'll find good deals.
Yes we're charging you more... but on the other hand we're giving you less, so it all evens out.
how do they compare with infomaniak? i was looking to move from aws to an eu solution.
It looks like they don't go very low end, so if you're wanting that, Hetzner is probably a better pick.
Yeah, I really don't understand why transfer is so expensive here in the US. The same base tier service provides 1TB transfer in the US and 20TB in the EU. I don't need 20TB, but it would be nice to have 3-5TB in case I need to restore a backup or something.
Contabo uses recycled hardware for many of its products, which contributes to its competitive pricing. However, this practice might raise concerns about reliability for critical projects.
Racknerd is almost always the right answer. Just find one of their various specials for yearly servers amd get one.love those guys
Hetzners still the cheapest pay by the hour option in the US? Long term id use racknerd or littlecreekhosting, but for quick deployments that are paid by the hour on the 3rd of the month, Hetzner is great. Don't have to whip out the credit card, it's instant.
When I was testing panels I started up a bunch and deleted them the next day, saved me time reinstalling on a single one.
Yeah, or they're at least competitive across the board. I'm mainly annoyed at the dramatic change to transfer quotas, which is a lot more generous in the EU and less generous than it used to be.
For now I'm sticking with them, at least until I exhaust the transfer quota.
I hope is to improve their bandwidth, it really sucks (even from inside Europe )