Ukraine’s Top Military Leadership: We Are Starting to Win, Russia Is Starting to Lose
cope and wishful thinking.
And propaganda mostly -
Lol what? Russia does not have air superiority. You need a functioning air force for that. They're to scared to fly anything and Moscow has been hit by Ukrainian drones.
Lol air superiority. Lol I say.
To be fair that's a proxy war between the US and the Arab world.
It was always going to end one way. People are mostly desensitized and the Oct events pushed the majority off the fence. Which was kinda the point. It's a rats nest and anyone trapped there is unfortunately walking dead trapped between the gears of globalism.
American voters had zero say in it.
And god I hope they keep going and keep winning.
GDP can increase during a war, but that's not as beneficial as growth during peace. After all the military equipment produced doesn't last long or provides much long term value to the economy. A civilian truck, excavator, or train locomotive can create more value for an economy for decades. A trank or artillery piece will only last for a few months during war and only causes destruction, no creation. So yeah, nominally the economy might increase, but all that labor might be for nothing in the end.
It has been very impressive how Russia transformed its economy and circumvented sanctions. Production of military equipment is high and still increasing in parts. Goods for domestic consumption are also doing okay and standard of living hasn't fallen much.
Of course none of this is sustainable and has only been achievable by all kinds of tricks, but for now it works.
He is okay and mostly factual. The tactical and operational analysis is good. However he has been wrong in the past, especially with his strategic interpretations and long term predictions.
The status quo favors Russia. If we don’t get our heads out of our asses and step up Russia will win
That has been his refrain from the beginning. Yet Ukraine is still very much in the fight.
The we is also kind of ironic since Austria doesn't send any arms to Ukraine. The Austrian government and intelligence services as notoriously influenced by Russia. So take that in mind as well.
How manu are is still left of well trained VDV and guards units?
That only means they will have to scale back offensive operations and switch to a defensive posture.
The US was unwilling to go full scorched earth, the potential effect of the US bomber fleet using just conventional munitions was described as having the potential to do almost as much devastation as a nuclear strike, despite the warcrimes the US still held back.
Look I want to live in a universe with a version of the US without Henry Kissinger too, but this just doesn't seem like an honest view of the history here.
I don't understand in what sense the U.S. held back from bombing. Fuck, one of the major criticisms of U.S. military strategy in the Vietnam war was the idea that if they just bombed them hard enough, over and over and over again carpet bombing with B-52s loaded to the brim with conventional bombs, than that would magically win the war all by itself.
Along the way, Rolling Thunder also fell prey to the same dysfunctional managerial attitudes as did the rest of the American military effort in Southeast Asia. The process of the campaign became an end unto itself, with sortie generation as the standard by which progress was measured.[129] Sortie rates and the number of bombs dropped, however, equaled efficiency, not effectiveness.[130]
To be clear, I don't think this makes the illegal Russian invasion and war in Ukraine okay. I am against the war and support arming Ukrainians, but I think it is important to be realistic about things as we discuss this.
In the 1990s, the US would have been glad if the Europeans would have managed the Yugoslav disintegration and ensuing wars with ethnic cleansing themselves. They were unable and had to rely on the US in Bosnia and Kosovo.
Start doing something about it, please.
Mules are used in many militaries by the mountain troops. Only they can navigate small trails high up and transport cargo.
Any type of grass or non poisonous vegetation works.
Not so easy during winter.
You can't just leave them grazing wherever. Mines and artillery kill them just as well.
Some fodder will need to be brought in for them.
This is likely against the rules of most instances and could get you banned.
It is only this bad because the US has provided nearly unconditional military, diplomatic and financial support to Israel for 75+ years despite them committing numerous war crimes, invading all of their neighbors and hindering countless peaceful processes. Israel can’t even defend itself without the assistance of foreign countries as we have seen last year when they needed the US, France, Jordan and others to step in when Iran sent a few missiles.
They only recently deployed soldiers in the capital there.
John Mearsheimer
is not the be all end all of geopolitics. His "realist" perspective is limited and he has often been wrong, including regarding Ukraine.
Maersheimer is also an apologist for imperialism.
who foresaw this war coming ten years ago
The war started when Russia took Crimea in 2014, that's 11 years ago. Georgia was invaded in 2008.
MItt Romney warned of Russian agression back in 2012.
Dugin's Foundation of Geopolitics was published in 1997 and outlined how Russia could regain its lost empire.
I actually doubt the US state department ever said that, exactly. They're diplomats, are very careful about their wording, and are unlikely to promise something they aren't totally sure about.
I'm going by the >21% interest rate, the fact they're politically covering for massive military spending with massive handouts, the amount of assets still in Russia and the recent reports of a surge in bankruptcies. I don't know if it will be two weeks or a year, but they can't keep this up the same way forever.
Yeah, that's one of my main sources too.
This is what I mean - they need money to pay for their military industry, ever-scarcer volunteers and a bunch of feel-good handouts like cheap mortgages on top of it. They've basically just been burning the economic furniture to make that happen (including the old Soviet stockpiles), and have an interest rate that just keeps climbing. Eventually, their spending is going to come up against what they actually physically have and lose, and then they'll get hyperinflation.
It's been suggested they could just muscle through that, and I can't rule it out, but Russia is not Nazi Germany or even Venezuela. Putin's regime has pretty much discouraged ideology of any kind, so once all the rubles they have to slosh around are worthless they're kind of in uncharted territory.
I fully agree, it's just that the operative keyword is eventually, and I don't expect it to mean soon. Of course they can't keep this up forever.
USA's Mr. 47 will seriously take $5m from Mr. Putin to invite him to live in 'the land of the free'. And spend all of his ruble there.