Trump Pauses Military Aid to Ukraine After Clash With Zelenskiy
the democrats did nothing in their time to safe guard democracy, hoping to wield fascism as a threat to motivate us to vote for their 2000-2008 era conservatism. it was an extremely dangerous game, and one they lost, because they failed to account for how fucking racist and unhinged one third of this country is. the consequence of them being fine with using fascism as a threat against us is that they are also fine with fascism being used against us. they'll just go along with the fascist coup so long as it's apparently what we want
Have you seen some of the shit they tried for Castro!?
It’s up to the man on the street to take action.
And the competent ones (as in the ones with experience at creation local militias and terrorist organizations) are gonna be out there creating the resistance.
Palestine. Maybe not successfully, but note that the idea that Palestinians have the same natural right to armed self defense as any other group is completely absent from mainstream political discourse. Most simply cannot even comprehend that the Palestinians should have just as much right to kill to defend themselves as Israelis do. Partly this is due to colonialism. Part of it is classism. The violence of the Israelis is clean and high tech. The violence of the Palestinians is crude and performed with simple weapons. We judge the morality of violence based upon the wealth of the people committing the violence.
I don't know that the CIA has ever given a shit about the United States.
Hell H.W. Bush was the son of a man that tried to overthrow the government and Ford appointed him to CIA director in the 70s.
"Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ;that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?"
Yeah it's fucking wild the efforts they go through. Even if it's as discreet as a walk-by in a parking garage with a suppressed pistol or strangled in a car, there will be at least 10 people doing different jobs with zero knowledge of what the others are doing, all doing a very simple task that any normal person could do. Real life examples of how the mafia do hits are really intricate: You pay one guy to flatten a tire, you pay another guy to drive the tow truck, you pay another guy to ask them for directions to delay them a bit, you pay another guy to be an uber or taxi driver, you pay another guy to receive where the taxi/uber is going, this is all after paying probably a few other dudes to study their schedule and the schedule of their visitors/guests, pay another dude to get keep their neighbor or something distracted, pay another dude to take the shot and dip (source: I know a guy who knows a guy who knows another guy). It's very expensive and time consuming, that's why organized hits don't happen a lot it's gotta be worth the investment. This would be much harder to pull off against someone with 24/7 secret service guard, but the CIA/FBI/Police are pros at pulling shit off like this.
Yup, although that's not going to happen this time around.
It's funny how much the tankies have in common with the liberal socialists. If only they weren't so darn argumentative.
Democrats have no more interest in safeguarding democracy than Republicans do. If they did, they wouldn't continue using their ratchet effect that prevents Republican legislation from ever slipping back. And as Republicans keep shifting even further to the right, democrats continue to fill the void that Republicans just left. This is a result of 50 years of incremental fascism masquerading as 'lesser evil.'
Yep. Those ones. And the ones loyal to them.
Given how big a security leak the dipshit is, and he already got a ton of their agents in the field killed the first time around, it's not so much them caring about the US, but then seeing a threat to their own power.
Now that I would believe
Don't worry guys, I'm sure she's about to get SLAMMED with a lawsuit. That'll show him.
He was at the CIA during the Church trials so that wasn't a great time to be at the CIA.
No, you don't get it. These Palestinian kids are brainwashed from birth to hate Israel and the Jewish peoples. They have school books that teach them to hate Israelis and Israel.
/s but sadly not because the above is something I literally heard around me for years. I believed it until I met someone from Palestine who explained yes those books do exist and they are called history books.
Ok. Part 1 is done. Part 2 & 3 (order doesn't matter) is that Trump ends sanctions and then stages a massive false flag attack that they then blame on Ukrainian Extremists upset over the ending of support to enact a full police state.
Part 4: ???
Part 5: profit
Very detailed. Are you, by any chance, a mob boss or their accountant?
At some point, Europe has to start wondering whether it's really such a good thing to have US military bases all over their continent.