Why would'nt this work?
You should make it out of feathers. Steel is heavier than feathers.
always had this question as a kid
And then went, draw it out, and asked.
I applaud that (and the art), good for you.(And the good people already provided answers.)
why wouldn't this work
because bullets are faster than whatever the fuck speed stickman is achieving
and even bullets are slower than light -
Yes, the speed of sound in an object is how fast neighboring atoms can react to each other, and not only is that information (therefore limited to C already) but specifically it's the electric field caused by the electrons that keep atoms certain distances from each other and push each other around. And changes in the electric/magnetic fields are famously carried by photons (light) specifically - so even in bulk those changes move at the speed of light at most
Yes, that's the point. The limit c denies the possibility of a perfectly rigid body existing physically. It can only exist as a thought experiment.
I think relativity demonstrates that light does have mass?
They might not have "rest mass" but they do have mass!
The eclipse experiment proved it, solar sails whilst hypothetical demonstrate it.
Photons don't have mass, but they do have momentum.
AlphaPhoenix is definitely one of the best scientists on YouTube, that video is good.
Iirc from the 2 YouTube videos I watched light can theoretically bend thanks to gravity, black holes anyone?
Username checks out.
Relativistic mass is not helpful to our everyday understanding of mass, it's more helpful to discuss momentum, like the other commenter pointed out
Space bends due to gravity. Light continues in a straight line through the now non-linear space, thus appearing to bend.
This is actually a great example for why that stick must not exist.
You can also do this with a unbreakable stick and an unbreakable shorter tube. Throw the stick at a high velocity through the tube and it contracts for the point of view of the tube. Then close it shut. Now you have a stick that's longer than the tube fully contained in it.