European leaders throw support behind Zelenskyy after heated Trump meeting
Well, yeah, but that happened back in the '60s with Vietnam. What we're seeing here isn't America becoming the villain, it's America becoming the kind of incompetent villain that even their minions turn on.
We should really form Europe 2, with every member except Hungary.
I noticed that with Zelensky he's been talking about 'raw earth' instead of rare earth. And not just a slip of the tongue, he did it consistently throughout the meeting. While with the meeting with UK prime minister Starmer, a few days earlier, he said it properly. So he knew the word, but forgot?
nope, people vote anti-woke candidates because the algorithm feeds them woke-gone-mad bullshit. I really wonder how people would think if much of our interactions and media consumption wasn't based on algorithm blindly steering towards engagement.
Today is hungary, but it could easily have been France, Austria or Germany. We need to learn a new way to counteract to forign states Mischung in the EU. If we dont, we are condemned.
Yes, but good luck implementing that in Europe 1. That's one of the reasons we need Europe 2.
Sorry I've no idea. I saw someone mentioned it and I had a look and donated. It occurred to me that others might feel the same so I tried to share it. I've got nothing to do with it other than that... Maybe I should've mentioned that!
a fucking civil war?
Sure, that might work. Oh and that "largest and most advanced military" is made up of those same people who you think are 70% of the population. Maybe see what happens when people actually take some action, instead of just giving up and bitching about it.
Yeah sorry I should have mentioned I have no idea, no involvement, I just saw someone else mention it and I'd donated myself. I got a nice email after I donated 'from Zelensky'.
Guess what he said?
Thank you! Lol
To "throw support behind" is a common expression. It implies vigour in a way that "mount support" does not, so I think it's a good word choice.
I get that their main goal is keeping the proles down, but you'd think there'd be some protection of american hegemony and soft power, it has made a small group of people a lot of money and given them outsized influence of the world.
Organize what, a fucking civil war?
Isn't that what all your guns are for? Killing your government, should they become dictatorial?
The military skews right. Strongly. That's a big part of the problem.
What? Not that I have seen. And even if they did, you think people don't have an issue with this as long as they are "on the right"? You can not out of one side of your mouth say "70% of americans don't want this" and from the other "But there is nothing we can do, they are too many" (I know this was not you but that other dood, but the idea is the same)
The military is primarily compromised of poor rural folks. Conservatives outnumber liberals 2 to 1. I'm not sure what direction the other quarter (nonvoters) would break.
Troops see rising political tension in the ranks, poll shows
Please tell us how tensions rise if everyone in the armed forces agree? You also realize this is a poll, and that it also breaks down very different by branches and that is a touch more pressing. Say you have all the marines and army willing to put jackboots on necks but the air force or navy says "no". Hell what happens if just the doods who run the Triad are like super gay and pissed off, this idea that there is no 5th column possible is funny in its absurdity.
Oh no, who will destabilize other country?
Ooh, maybe all the "rare minerals" were just plain old dirt all along!
I think you are at least partially correct. There was Russian media in the room (“unapproved” and escorted out when they were “discovered” — after already live streaming the juicy bits back home ). Trump turned to reporters at one point saying “you see how much hate he has for Putin. It makes it very hard for me to negotiate” (from memory).
Russia, probably.