Japan ‘on verge of no longer functioning’ after birth rate plummets to record new low
Huge amount of japanese descent people in Brazil (including me), but I have the feeling the japanese would rather have their country implode than give us nationality
A lot of countries are headed there. America isn't keeping their population growth in the replacement category either. Why do you think abortion and immigration are such an issue in America? They want the white people reproducing, not the immigrants. Wherever there is a super strict, racist or almost racist, immigration policy, look at their population growth.
I guess it’s not limited to Brazil or black people. Any change in their routine seems very complicated.
Good. We need to depopulate by 50%. The earth can't have 8 billion people. There are less than 30,000 polar bears in the whole world.
The biggest issue that no one ever wants to talk about is ....
... it's isn't about the QUANTITY of life
.... it's about the QUALITY of life.
If people are able to have a comfortable, stable and prosperous life, with plenty of their own free time to enjoy without worrying about losing everything then they'll make time and an effort to have a family and children.
If all our wealthy overlords ever want to do is squeeze every penny out of us all the time, then people will be less likely to want to have children.
Sorry, can't do that under capitalism perpetual growth
one of the more racist nations on earth, i wish them a very happy depopulation and dissolution.. kampai!
It also strongly correlates to women's rights and access to education. The more educated women are, the less likely they are to have a lot of kids.
It's why you see a renewed attack on women in some developed countries, especially in the US.
line must go up forever
Another insane figure: wild mammals make up only 4% of all mammal biomass in the world, the other 96% is humans and our livestock. That 4% includes all whales, elephants, bears, etc.
Here's what happened in America.
In the 1960s the "Women's Lib" movement started. They got a lot of press coverage because it was a good stroy, but didn't actually change things a lot.
In 1973 the Oil Embargo hit and suddenly one job wasn't enough for the family to survive. Lots of wives had to go out and look for work to keep paying the bills.
The Right has been lying that women getting jobs is what destroyed the one income family.
You mean, people of Brazilian descent in Japan?
I hear that welcoming migrants is a great way to address this problem...
Which is the plot to Idiocracy and why the movie is no longer a fantasy and it is now a prophecy.
Tying the mortgage repayment rate to the median salary of a single individual would go some way towards fixing things then, but that would mean putting price caps on houses which would devalue the currency and also need anti-cartel laws (eg. Laws mandating a maximum amount of homes one can own, as cartels might see artificially low prices as an opportunity to buy up more houses).
Artificially constraining parts of banking and all of residential real estate is likely to have other unforeseen effects on the economy, but may still be worth it.
Another alternative is starting a state bank in which citizens can be part of a rent-to-own mortgage, with minimum but achievable life time repayments. If they don't meet those minimum payments, the house is sold and the profit from the sale is portioned out between the state bank and the mortgage payer in proportion to how much % they paid off.
That's a win win, as theyre probably getting a big cash payment when struggling, and the state bank then gets to relist the home.
It certainly can, if properly managed. But that's not profitable, so we don't do it.
Experts blamed fewer marriages in recent years due to the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic…
It’s 2025. Can we please stop using Covid as a catch-all excuse?
Frankly, I LOVE the idea of cartel laws for ownership of residences.
I know the left really (and rightfully) hates capitalism, but this isn't a capitalism problem; it's a society problem. You'll always need a certain amount of labor to sustain non-working portions of the populations. Thanks to advances in technology the necessary working person percentage is decreasing but you still can't have the majority of the population be elderly people who will never again be productive.
I read it as people with family history in Japan, but living in Brazil and wanting to move to Japan.