Japan ‘on verge of no longer functioning’ after birth rate plummets to record new low
slightly worst off
But what about housing? If you live in a shoebox with no hope of getting a larger place, it's unlikely that you're gonna have kids.
I think we all largely get what you're speaking to but I feel compelled to highlight that you can't breed average people out. "Rulers" and "servants" are social classes, and not "in the gene pool."
The message got a little muddled there.
I've got flash news then: unless I want 70 years old people to work production lines, my job (a developer) can be done by a seventy years old person. Or a job of an artist. Or <insert bunch of professions here>. Physical strength does naturally deteriorate, and that is the only thing that actually is.
Now, to the more important: producing goods? Really? Since when has it become the only thing you look at? And since when producing goods is something only people-under-random-age-limit can do?
That an average situation? perhaps you were financially better off than the rest
week, plus you have to have drinks after work with the boss,+ all the busy work. and then theres the child rear aspect, woman recieves very little if any support for being a mom, often time its chatised. and lastly HCOL.
Yes. The societal structure is too rigid and is collapsing. IMHO -
Countries all across the world
That's certainly a take on "family business".
I didn't know KenM had ablemmy account!
Even if they did want children, without the support systems, it may not be feasible for them to have kids. Having them might mean choosing to starve or go without a house.
Even if you're in a country with a public health care system, a sick/young child means having to take time off work to care for them.
With Japan, they only have so much inhabitable land anyway. It's a mountainous island where all viable land is already pretty much taken.
I know, let's all move to Japan. Cheap real estate and no Cheeto.
But we don't have an 80hr work week as the norm and we can piss off straight after work without feeling the need to have a beer with our colleagues or bosses.
imagine being so racist that it forces your country to fall apart. they made their own bed, time for some laying in it.
Isn't there a protection where there may not be any new Japanese births by 2050? That they'll essentially cease to be (pure Japanese)?
That's a form of eugenics. More specifically, it would be classed as "positive social eugenics".
::: spoiler Clarification
The use of the term "positive" does not mean it is a "good" thing. It just means that individuals with percieved "desirable" traits are encouraged to mate more than the "undesirables". Conversely, an example of negative eugenics would be murdering/sterilizing the "undesirables"."Social eugenics" simply means that the "desirable" trait is not genetic, but rather a social construct, in this case wealth.
::: -
Plus wealth generally means power and connections, all of which makes it easier for someone to get wealthy.
Microsoft would almost certainly have never become what it is if Bill Microsoft wasn't wealthy enough to have a family computer ahead of most people being able to have one at home, and his mother wasn't friends with an IBM chair.
Naturally, IBM would be much more likely to hire someone who comes with the recommendation of a higher-up than Afferige Mann, who is applying based on an ad in the paper, and has only worked retail.
Plus wealth gives a safety net. It didn't matter for Bill if the first few Microsofts failed, he can try again until he hits it big. Afferige has non-such luck. If he starts a company and it folds, he may not have the money to start another.
Is this supposed to be a jab at people criticising Christianity? Because the same problems can be found in non-Christian countries, does not mean Christianity didn't have a role in what happened elsewhere
I think plenty of them also think it’s far enough in the future that it won’t affect them (spoiler alert: it’s not)