Senator Ted Cruz is trying to block Wi-Fi hotspots for schoolchildren
TIL there are hotspots in Cancun.
I do not like that man Ted Cruz...
Or the sun, a more appropriate vacation place to send Cruz.
Best tan ever! for a few seconds.
And that's how we end up with young adults entering the work force that can't
- type
- navigate the web safely
- save something to a specified directory
- transfer a file
- maintain backups
- recognize suspisous websites/news/ads
- navigate the constantly changing Microsoft UIs
- troubleshoot anything as simple as turning on the computer screen
The world is different than it was 30 years ago, if we don't prepare them for the internet age, then they will fail.
I do agree, physical books and learning off-screen is very important. Letting kids use the open web all day is not helpful, but bring them the computer lab to teach them the productive uses of a computer.
Then you followed it up with:
I don't want my children even using devices at all for any purpose
So the comment you're replying to wasn't taking some giant leap in logic.
Where are you going to draw the line on what kids should be allowed to use on homework? A slide rule for math? A four function calculator? Matlab? How about research papers? Is Wikipedia allowed or should their family be required to have a printed encyclopedia?
You said earlier that you had to go to the library or the computer lab when you were a kid. You know what they're going to do at the library? Sit in front of a computer and pull up Google. How is that any better/different than just giving them an access point to use from home other than now they don't need to find a ride.
Poor kids
In this context I am drawing the line with wifi and personally issued Internet connected devices, particularly where the student isn't really getting instruction from a live person.
then GTFO the Internet and go parent your kids you dingbat extremist
Except the school prepares the children with none of that in its current state. Those chromebooks are incredibly locked to the point of being practically useless beyond searching stuff on google. We have still have textbooks at my school but most people prefer the pdf version. Most of the kids at my school are incredibly tech illiterate to the point of not knowing how the filesystem works. Most of them have used mobile devices as their primary computers and use laptops just as a glorified browser.
That's what tv is for
His name is Rafael...
I swear there don't seem to be any decent thing this guy do. I amaze why his still elected.
It's simple really. People vote on culture war issues, and respect posture more than reason, we are a weak species that is easily manipulated, moreso when you gut education.
Because an angry and stupid population votes GOP.
When he gets to the point where he needs life support, I hope some child who needed that wi-fi hotspot is able to block his life support. Nothing of value would be lost.
I don't think any of this is actually a problem, except Microsoft's criminal UI changes and perpetual rebranding of the same old garbage.
Inb4 they make it legal for schools to send the pegasus spyware to everyone in a one-mile radius of schools.
And he's actually a Canadian LARPing as an American citizen.
Back in my day, we just mix drinking water and waste water, we ain't got no medicine, you get infected you die. Pffff kids these days and their "technology"...