is it normal to SCREAM at your children when you’re mad for the littlest stuff because “you’re only human with human emotions”
i got yelled at my both my sister and dad for asking my sister if she was ok.
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Nah not really normal, but can't be helped
Parents' job is to control their own emotions.
Of course it can be helped.
Unless there is an active emergency that requires immediate action, there is no reason to scream at your children. Especially not for just asking a question.
Normal and OK are different things. My personal belief is that there are more bad parents than people think there are. So perhaps what you describe might be normal. But that's definitely not OK.
This behavior is abusive. Talk to your school social worker. They specialize in this. They'll also tell you what they can/will share, and what is considered confidential, so you can start vague and choose your comfort zone from there.