hexbear.net comically loses its domain name
Appreciate the explanation. I've seen some remarks about the instance on passing, I've just never paid close enough attention to how communities have interacted with each other in the past.
Hexbear is the big instance of people who are so fucked they tend to get banned even from there.
No, no. They're a group of posters so awful they got banned from Reddit.
And let's be honest, you can be pretty much the worst person on earth and survive in your own little bubble on Reddit, but, for whatever reason, they couldn't.
Spend some time in the "I hate reddit and am glad I am never going back but do you think reddit still thinks about me and hey, can I take a picture of your penis and send it to show reddit that my new boyfriend is massive?" communities. LOTS of the folk around here have those "I was banned for absolutely nothing" mentalities.
And it shows with how fast people are to "clown on" folk with just blatant insults.
Those folk aren't at all exclusive to hexbear.
I like how a whole community of academics and researchers worked out how to run a system which, even into the modern day which is kind of amazing, is largely disconnected from being abused by government and industry, and just runs according to what the people who need to use the system need it to do. You can get extorted for a fancy domain name if you really want to, but you can also go to Hostinger and get one for $5/year or something, because a lot of the core of the system is still pretty well-protected from being a cash-grab, through application of good governance and cooperation.
And then, somehow Hexbear managed to find their way around that system and fucked things up for themselves, and now it's all DNS's fault that they stepped in a pile of doo doo.
Never forget the architects of the internet were some of the vilest US MIC and Silicon Valley ghouls who ever lived and they are still in control fundamentally no matter how much ICANN and IANA claim to be non-partison, neutral, non-political, accountable, democratic, international, stewardshipismists
Yes, John Postel and David Mills were some of the vilest ghouls and so on. There was nothing about them that could provide a good model for how to do effective cooperation and succeed outside the systems of ownership that defined computing and telecommunications at the time, no particular reason they succeeded so dramatically and gave you, ultimately, this space to post pig balls today, and nothing about their work and traditions that needs to be defended against any silicon valley ghouls in the modern day. You fucking dingbat. I started out sticking up for you guys because no one deserves to get victimized by DNS scammers, but I take it back, go fuck yourselves.
Heartbreaking: The Worst Capitalist Practice You Know Just Accidentally Picked A Funny Target
I mean... OK then just remember the IP addresses of the sites you use and don't use the domain names?
And here I was complaining about cheeseburger.social going down. Our user count was well into the dozens. Dozens!
Perfect domain for a shitcoin.
Oh it couldn't have happened to a better bunch!
Tired: Lenin’s on sale again
Wired: Hexbear is a shitcoin
(It's a joke/reference, I guess it's not 100% known though. My bad.)
I really do hate "I know what I have so you are going to pay whatever number I set" capitalism though, which is what they do here. These registrars figured out a loophole around the redemption grace period and are, from the start, set up to make you lose the domain and then spend significant money on a completely unfair auction where they have the power to plant fake bids, rather than paying the usual static redemption fees that aren't that excessive.
Yes... but the meme doesn't work if said practice is barely on the scale.
Because yeah, there are some REALLY sketchy registrars. Working with the "reputable" ones and now taking advantage of a nation's country code for the lulz (see: .ml) keeps you pretty safe.
The fuck is going on with this domain?