Trump says Canada and Mexico to be hit with 25% tariffs on Saturday
We also export a hell of a lot of soybeans, so when retaliatory tariffs kick in I guess our new ultra-masculine conservative government is going to have us all eating lots and lots of soy.
The thing is, I think that might be out of the frying pan and into the fryer at this point.
Vance is cooler under pressure in interviews and generally more coherent sounding. I think he does a far better job of saying ridiculous unreasonable things with a convincing tone of voice and demeanor than does Trump.
If Trump has one too many cheeseburgers tomorrow, then we've got young, clean-cut, smooth talking first-term President Vance to worry about, and I bet he won't be threatened by the attention Musk gets as long he he gets his cut. (Hell, I'm not even sure having to take over for Trump in that circumstance would count as his first term.)
Nah, EU likes them avocados and fruit too, especially in winter.
Looking forward to cheaper maple syrup!
One trick pony
Man have you seen him speak? I don't know what concoction of drugs he is on or if he's just showing his age but he's definitely not the rager he was 5 years ago. Seems tired and much less coherant. Makes me optimistic he might be in mental decline more than I theorized previously. But if we go by the 'asshole' rule he'll outlive most of the Senate just out of stubbornness and hatred. We definitely need a quick solution.
You mean the free trade agreement that Trump is currently trying to tear down?
Hell, he'll probably ask y'all to pay taxes on transport, even for things you aren't selling here.
Nice try Ohio
Literally any other politician I could believe would be stupid enough to rile everyone up about tariffs but still be hesitant to pull the trigger on it out of fear of the economic repercussions.
Trump straight up doesn't understand the repercussions, will fire anyone who tries to explain them to him, and has no reservations whatsoever about pulling any triggers that he can get his lil fingies around.
Not to mention roller coasters. Two of the largest thrill parks in the US.
Whatever he exempts is specifically what Canada and Mexico should target for export tarriffs in retaliation.
Unfortunately, it's just going to become another massive wealth transfer when those that have the means buy ups heaps of cheap stock after the resulting market downturn.
Master of negotiations!
Maybe then, enough people will see the guillotine as a good solution.
I've compared to Afghanistan many times.
When the people can't even afford the lumber to make the guillotines, what do we do then?
We take the lumber...
There is strength in numbers, and in solidarity! They cannot kill us all, because they need us more than we need them!
Someone make this into that Gru meme:
- Slap a 25% tarrif on goods coming from your 3 biggest economic allies
- Economy will strengthen due to American consumers preferring American made alternatives
- There are no American made alternatives
- There are no American made alternatives
If empty platitudes could strike down the bourgeois, you'd be the greatest hero our world has ever known.
"Oooh it's December, time to raise taxes to 20%. Ok January again, lowering taxes to 0%. The people love me!"
Just like the war on drugs, you'll be able to buy black market tacos in alleys.