Trump says Canada and Mexico to be hit with 25% tariffs on Saturday
Yeah targeted tariffs only products where there's a domestically produced alternative might do that. Putting tariffs on everything means people will just have to pay more for some things. Canada and Mexico will do the former, while the US is doing the later (much dumber) approach.
Anyway... this Canadian has just remembered a few more US based services to cancel. Not because of any price changes have happened yet but because apparently Americans have to learn the value of trade the hard way. Trade goes both ways, and that's not going to happen as much now.
Man look at Kissinger and the Bush Family.
If you've got a high enough body count you just live forever.
The problem with these kinds of conspiracy theories is that it assumes the conspirators are hyper-competent people.
It's far more plausible that they're just idiots.
This makes no sense. If Canada could make a phone viable without any changes to tariffs, why wouldn't it have already happened? Why would tariffs make that less likely to happen?
I'm morbidly fascinated to see how all of this shakes out.
Everyone on the left is saying it's a terrible idea with very predictable and deleterious consequences.
Trump seems to think it's as great as it sounds at face value - tax things that sound bad and get money.
Either way it will be a feature of economics text books for centuries to come.
Obviously I want to see Trump fail spectacularly, but it fucking sucks that would harm those of us who can least afford it.
If you went shopping last week and half value of your purchases originated in Canada or Mexico, then will the same purchases next week cost 12.5% more ? That's pretty staggering inflation
Pfft... just buy some $TRUMP crypto coin. The graft is all out in the open now.
Also the "uncommitted" got their way and got Trump into power. So now AIPAC conspiracy stuff is just straight up antisemitism now.
"Fresh fruit in the wintertime, nothing is too good for my people"
Yeah, like oil. When gas prices go up Trump's base gets upset.
Don't worry, the leopards definitely aren't going to eat your face!
He wasn't even really saying anything from I could tell. His surrogates did most of the promising from I could tell.
But he actually did promise tariffs. All the economic experts said it would be bad. Team Trump was just all "experts? What do they know!"
People are getting what they voted for.
Being called an antisemite doesnt have the sting it used to. Now it just means anyone the state of Israel disagrees with in any way.
You're not applying that saying correctly my friend
choked on a pretzel
I wonder how many people reading this remember that this actually happened to Bush the 2nd.
i come from a tariff heavy country. you want a sneak peak? inflation. shit is gonna get more expensive. that's it
You aren’t already?
No no no he is going to stop all taxes, pay off the national debt, bring manufacturing back to the US, and build a Nazi mars base for Elon.
Obviously I want to see Trump fail spectacularly, but it fucking sucks that would harm those of us who can least afford it.
I thought that was the plan....
I'll enjoy seeing the US go down.
Yep, Vance is in a way more dangerous than Trump. Trump might throw wrenches in the fascists' plans by either blurting them out proudly thinking it was his idea or by being too afraid of being unpopular (which he is obviously obsessed with) and taking back some of the changes due to public pressure. Vance on the other hand will be just a hand puppet for Putin and/or Musk.
Fun fact: Under Hitler, while there was an economic boom (due to production switching to war preparation), wages fell on Great Depression levels and workers had to work a lot more hours. Germany was also deeply in debt, because most of this was financed by crazy lending from other countries, which Hitler had no intention of paying back.