Finland to provide Ukraine with $691 million in military equipment
That’s to be decided. There are many variables and possibilities depending on the circumstances. I don’t agree with your last paragraph. My country (Romania) shares borders with Ukraine & we’ve been under the occupation of many nations (Austro-Hungarian Empire, Hungary, Russia, the Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire if we go super far back). Life just went on as usual. Who runs the country is, again, meaningless in regard to day to day life. Also funny that you mention “Russification in Russia’s territories”. Romanians are a significant minority in Ukraine (mainly Cernăuți region) and the Ukrainian government has treated my ethnicity like shit. No Romanian-speaking language schools allowed; education only in Ukrainian; Romanian language and culture suppressed systematically. Ukraine plays by Russia’s playbook. They’re birds of a feather. I’m sorry but I don’t buy the “war of existence” propaganda piece, especially since Ukraine already had Russian-majority pockets and they lived just fine with the Ukrainians. Zelensky’s first language is not even Ukrainian. The gained territories would just be annexed into Russia & be treated as any other federal subject.
the Ukrainian government has treated my ethnicity like shit.
Sounds like it matters who's in charge then, doesn't it?
In regards to day to day life? No. In regards to society at large? Yes. The Ukrainians might be inconvenienced in certain aspects under Russian leadership, but so are Romanians under Ukrainian one. Life goes on for both. Ukraine should liberate the Romanian majority region if they want to play the “good guy, victim card” and not seem hypocritical at least.
How do you not realise how contradictory what you're saying is?
I don’t see the contradiction. Are people alive and well? Yes. Does life go on? Yes. Are there also some systematic inconveniences? yes. Is it an “existential” threat? No. You just refuse to see anything beyond the propaganda that you’re being fed & deflect from any point, instead shifting the conversation to a comfortable place for you. For example: do you support the perpetual human rights violations and abuses committed by the TCC? Chances are you’ll just deflect or use whataboutism. My base comment mentioned consular services for Ukrainian men abroad. Do you support that? These are all factual, documented things.
You just refuse to see anything beyond the propaganda that you’re being fed & deflect from any point,
Calling out your hypocrisy doesn't mean your answers were on point. I'm sorry your hypocrisy is sad, maybe try not to be a hypocrite next time.
Omg! So can I! Not deflecting. Haha. I bet you're not a sheep, you're part of the do your own research crowd, praising trump and putin. Lol.
Whoa! What ad hominem? I said you weren't a sheep doing your own research, is that insulting? I'm sorry you are a sheep. Is that better?
I would, but I'm only expending the same amount thought capacity on the matter that the average fascist support can conjur in a week.
Suuuuuuuure tell that to IDF