Tesla sales crash 45% in Europe as rivals surge, Musk’s politics spark backlash
Who wants to drive cars of this freek?
Thanks for pushing electric cars, but we don't need you anymore now!
Please; show some respect to assholes. What we have here is a clearly unelected unrepresentative uniformly unqualified nazi turd; or, a cuuuunt if you will.
Ok but. That’s not all you know?? Forever chemicals are directly attributable to DuPont as well, and they KNEW it too. I’m sure there are more skeletons in THAT particular closet.
TIME - Companies Knew the Dangers of PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals’—and Kept Them Secret
Last 5 years +4.92%
Last 1 year +7.09%
Last 6 months +7.09%
Last 1 month +7.09% (no I'm not mixing up numbers these are actual numbers, its the same number thrice)
Last 5d +6.46%
Last 1d +0.93%
Looking good, seems like you chose an unfortunate moment to invest.
just like 1945?
why would Europeans have a problem with a guy doing a nazi salute? we may never know
Where does Musk's money actually come from? How big part of it comes from Tesla? How much from SpaceX and how much from Starlink? What else do Musk's companies do?
I'm just wondering: How long will he still be the richest person on Earth? And once he's not, what will Trump think of him?
I honestly think he sabotaged it on purpose. I hate to give him any credit for intelligence, but in reality he must have told some friends to short the stock before he bought it and immediately crashed its value.
Looking good? A boring etf givens you around 7% per year, getting 5% (total) over 5 years is pretty bad...
Believe it or not, not everyone follows USA domestic news.
Looking good as in they're doing fine
I don't know about Twitter, it gave him and his cronies a platform, and won him an election. It's mismanaged for sure, but it got the job done.
Tesla is probably more of a blow, this doesn't help him in any way.
iirc most of his wealth is on paper, in the form of stock for his companies. He's relatively cash poor
He doesn't have all that much money. But he has a lot of capital. And that can go away tomorrow. He can go from richest man to 10,000th richest man in 24hours.
Intel had their famous Tik-Tok strategy up until 2016,
It took me an unreasonable amount of time to realize what you meant
When are the shareholders going to sue the fuck out of him for devaluing the stock they bought?
Which Volkswagen stock are you looking at, there are several.
Volkswagen AG (VOWI)
I agree. Assholes are functional. We need em. We certainly don’t need this shitstain.
I dont have that one.