Tesla sales crash 45% in Europe as rivals surge, Musk’s politics spark backlash
Intel had their famous Tik-Tok strategy up until 2016,
It took me an unreasonable amount of time to realize what you meant
When are the shareholders going to sue the fuck out of him for devaluing the stock they bought?
Which Volkswagen stock are you looking at, there are several.
Volkswagen AG (VOWI)
I agree. Assholes are functional. We need em. We certainly don’t need this shitstain.
I dont have that one.
That's really unfortunate
He didn't mismanage Twitter. He realized that he could spend 44B and gain control of the ruling political party of the US. He said "Twitter's value isn't in it's advertising, but in the public manipulation I can do with it!"
As usual with billionaires (and actually most people with a significant wealth)
Most of it from being a subsidy queen.
Now even more since he's important for the US war machine and is getting billions in contracts.
https://www.mintpressnews.com/pentagon-recruiting-elon-musk-nuclear-war/289055/ -
Well, I think forbes is maintaining a well known list, here's his entry, which should give you some info about the source of his wealth:
https://www.forbes.com/profile/elon-musk/?list=rtb/ -
What you described is mismanagement. Just because he benefits from it doesn't make it good management.
Never. They are "true believers"
And they live off of loans collateralized by stock. Musk has easy access to as much cash as he could possibly want, whenever he wants it. He's definitely not "cash poor".
Their loss.
Both of them, they're both fucking centi-billionaires, they couldn't give a fuck.
From insider trading and also griefing crypto bro.
live off of loans collateralized by stock
Definitionally cash poor.
Underperforming the market by 30% is not looking good, or doing fine.
the dupont family is also heavily inbred too.