You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism | Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them
getting the fediverse into the mainstream should be our focus, no one entity will be able to silence a group
when it comes to addressing the problems we face, no amount of posting or passive info consumption is going to substitute the hard, unsexy work of organizing.
The fediverse is great, but the problem is that it isn't organizing. It isn't mobilizing people to scare politicians and businesses into behaving better.
I would argue that journalism is necessary, just not sufficient, for moving into the future.
Ironically this is true for every one of the myriad sides in this conflict.
I recall a sci-fi book from CS Lewis... anyway my point is that this was well known after WWII, and probably often had to be rediscovered throughout history. Strong societies produce weak children and so on. We've had our Yin, now time for the karmic Yang to brutalize us for being so extremely negligent.
This is a very enlighting article
Posted from my iPhone
You won't find such on Lemmy, we are far too niche here, and we barely have "news" that isn't using Arch btw.
But AOC gave a talk a couple days ago if that's what you are looking for: (And yes, I searched, but Lemmy has no matches to any variation of this link that I tried. Meanwhile it's all over Bluesky and Reddit. Make of that what you will.)
The next step, in my opinion, is strong privacy and decentralized organization that fully leverages constitutional rights.
I.e. a privacy preserving social media where labour unions, political parties and religious groups can federate with each other. Servers hosted on their premises and members register through an on-premise process.
A church in a foreign country could generate a thousand aliases and distribute them to their federated sister organizations in a privacy preserving way. Only the church knows which organizations got which aliases and they protect this information.
Your local labour union chapter picks up 20 of those aliases and distributes them to members. They are the only one who knows the person behind the alias.
An observer in this private fediverse trying to obtain the identity would first need to approach the church. The church can stall them and warn downstream through a canary.
The labour union chapter observes the canary and immediately wipes all information.
And if that fails, then full I2P and Tor, with nodes hosted on-premise of churches, political parties and labour unions.
"bread and circuses" has been an effective strategy for thousands of years.
They've been censorious for over a decade. It's just the old target was "acceptable" to most denizens of reddit and similar social media. Now that the censors are expanding their reach, we see umbrage? Come on now.
I have the social skills of a cholla cactus and so when someone says ѻɼﻭคกٱչﻉ ץѻપɼ กﻉٱﻭɦ๒ѻɼɦѻѻɗ กﻉՇฝѻɼᛕ I find it only confusing and unintelligible. I did consider making cookies for my neighbors with a notice saying _I don't know how to ዐዪኗልክጎጊቿ ል ክቿጎኗዘጌዐዪዘዐዐዕ ክቿፕሠዐዪጕ but maybe someone else's some cookies? Mind you, my neighborhood is a tad lower class and has an air of desperation so they may not trust my cookies.
It's a thought. My kitchen appliances are lent out right now, and I don't actually know how to bake.
But I seem to understand enough leftist theory to bridge those who, like me, have been brainwashed to see communism and socialism as derisives and terms of contempt.
I'm also going through a psychotic break because a lot of stressors piled up at the same time seventy-seven million voters decided to give the Genie's lamp to Jaffar.
Maybe it's better to refrain from growing strong men, though, just average will do, with average children, not weak.
Maybe we won't be guillotining them anytime soon, but we can at least slow their roll: