You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism | Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them
It did break down the barriers for those less technical by bringing the conversation to a web browser that was certainly more accessible as opposed to a terminal, for better or worse.
I beg your pardon, but what about web forums? I don't think anything technical was required with those.
For anyone interested here is the CIA's publicly available field manual for simple sabotage. Dated, but mostly still relevant.
Just because you have an easy time with something does not mean everyone does
That was the whole point of my answer.
People need to know that posting doesn't actually do anything!
posts an article about it
Posts comment about it.
Plus, there are a lot of folks here (it seems like a majority sometimes in my personal experience) that are quick to advocate violence/sabotage in lieu of negotiation and debate. That reeks of puppeteering; there can’t be that many arseholes here, right?
That's because there are a lot of marginlized folks here - gay, trans, autistic, linux users - who have spent decades disucssing politely and negotiating.
Problem is the people throwing Nazi salutes and writing all these executive orders have, quite clearly, said they want us all either dead or in camps.
Now I wouldn't dream of speaking for everyone else, but I'm certainly not going to be attempting to politely debate myself out of a one-way train ride, if it comes to that.
So, yeah, while I don't encourage violence for the sake of violence, the neoliberal 'oh dear we must all be very polite at all times and let rationality solve all our issues!' is dead and worthless.
I've taken classes for and armed myself, and I have zero qualms with defending myself and friends and family by any means necessary if it comes down to a situation where it's us-or-them, regardless of who 'them' is.
If you told me even five years ago that I'd be carrying a gun and be fully prepared to use deadly force to defend myself I'd have called you goofy, and if you told me that I'd be willing to use it against agents of the state if they came after me, I'd think you have lost your damn mind.
But, well, it's been a long 5 years, and frankly, IMO, the rule of law and the trust in any governmental institutions have been eroded into nothing.
Not a comment on the merit of the article, but a tangential thought:
Fediverse has presented the same amount of doom to scroll as the algorithms. I open my phone to get a break from work, life, etc, and any app I think to open for social or news, presents the same anxiety of "I just can't deal with that type of shit right now; where can I bury my head in the sand?" -
Hahahaha you said linux users in the same breath of marginalized folk.
The cloud is linux. I don't think social media is where we're marginalized.
I agree with everything else you've said.
What will matter in the end isn't what you put online.
It'll be how good your memory becomes when ICE comes knocking on your door asking about your neighbors.
Luigi 1 didn't accomplish anything, though.
The field manual was to cripple the nation (Nazi Germany) so it could be conquered by other nations.
The USA being conquered won't reduce fascism in the slightest.
Organising to do what exactly? A majority of the US population wants this nightmare. The Trump administration is expected to destroy norms and institutions to bring about their bigot's utopia, they ran on that promise.
It's really that dire. It's beyond the reach of the checks and balances that have kept things somewhat on-track up until just after 9/11. Checks and balances are precisely what the voters want to delete from the courts.
If Trump wants a 3rd term, he will get it, and his voters will not be moved by marches or sit-ins or AOC exquisitely calling out the scum and villainy from the floor of the senate. Either talk Luigification, or let the people post their fucking memes in peace.
Reminder that the USA has a nationwide strike at State Capital Buildings TODAY.
I am definitely one of those "to arms" types because I think talking is over. That's all the oligarchs want, more talk. When a forum for discussion is introduced the controlling powers study it for monetization and misinformation purposes. When they figure out how to manipulate the fediverse and platforms like Bluesky it'll be over.
As someone who is outside the US, the best I can do is share important information with people inside the US.
I would be very surprised if any of our US-Allied governments call out Trump. I would be overjoyed, but surprised.
Well at least the article validated some of my feelings and gave me a sense identification of the problems I have been sensing around me with the flaccid liberal rebellion.
Hey wait a sec! Dammit!Most concrete action I can think of is some posts I remember seeing about coat-hanger do it yourself frontal lobotomies. I've seen plenty of very low IQ Americans with economic status as bad or worse than mine somehow perfectly happy with all the fascist shit that is going down. This seems like an opportunity to join in their bliss.
That was a joke. And besides, only certain distributions count anyways. Keep an eye out for our Slackware brothers, they need our help and support in these times.
I’m afraid you can’t vote or protest your way out of fascism. Only way out is to shoot.
How about joining the Fediverse?
And ad blocking.
Seriously. Participation in Google/Meta/Tiktok/Whatever and their manipulative algorithms is what makes all this go around. Break their ad revenue, and you break their manipulation.
It’s easy. It’s free. And it would draw devs into developing/hosting more.