You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism | Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them
Vast numbers of people feeling disempowered ... sounds like the Trump crowd when he appeared and proclaimed himself their savior. Liberals are in for the same treatment from someone with a different sales pitch. Some people think that's who Kamala Harris was, I truly believed in her, but maybe that was the whole plan and it's already like professional wrestling - you win this match, I'll win the next one, and we both take home the money. I dunno.
I agree.
"Planet's burning up, another genocide, fascism on the rise... ugh... where are the funny memes."
Apathy is the greatest tool of the oppressor.
You're talking about it.
Sounds like a complicit media attempting to absolve itself.
A third term implies the constitution is still in place and don't see them passing an amendment without doing something ridiculous like creating a bunch of extra states.
Far easier to just never end the second term. Claim a national emergency and suspend elections/the constitution.
It’s super helpful to identify the issue.
Barely 50%, and not even, and let’s hope a significant, even if it’s just small it’s significant, percentage didn’t want all the chaos and corruption, that they falsely believed he would be good, and when he isn’t will flip back to being more rational. Let’s hope, and let’s try to convince them.
It's probably boomers' fault for inventing PCs so GenX could create the Internet. They should have seen this coming!!!
Get to know the people in your community. Take an interest in growing food, learn how to fix things. Get a gun (or two) and learn how to use them.
Establish secure lines of communication and start preparing for what's coming. The next decade is going to be hard but we'll probably know how it's going to shake down by then.
edit: formatting
After working with computer software most of my life I've come to understand that if success relies on people 'paying attention to something, making an informed decision and then performing an action' that it is nearly impossible to get the desired outcome more than half the time.
We're so fucked.
I'm not sure how it is possible to produce merely average people though? Anyway, even if humanity itself were to not change, the world around us still does. Perhaps one day aliens will show up, assuming that climate change doesn't kill us all in the moderate term future. Just like all those species of animals and plants and such that we've driven extinct: they lasted so long, but then could not survive us.
So I would argue that we always should remain strong... it's just that the definition of what that even means will constantly keep changing, in response to our circumstances.
But, Stoicism, yeah - it's literally all that we can do, so let's do that.:-)
Agreed. After 30 years working in IT for various companies from 40 employees to 300,000 employees, I believe about 70-80% of the corporate work force has an elementary school level of reading comprehension at best.
In the last 10 years of my career I stopped writing emails with more than 1 question, because otherwise most people would reply and only answer the first thing I asked (often poorly), ignoring the entire rest of the email.
You are correct. These people won't be stopped with words or rational arguments. They are past the point of being able to cooperate. We will be killing each other before long. Sorry to say, but if you don't have the tools and skills to do that, you might want to learn. Or be prepared to be owned or killed by those that do. Adolph Musk and crew want to OWN you or DESTROY you depending on how you look. Start preparing for what that means.
I fucking hate that it's coming to this, but without a major change of direction (that I see no evidence of yet) that's where this ends up. The red menace was in our own country the whole time.
I am an infantry veteran and I will be fighting on the correct side of history until I can't anymore. I do wonder how many of my fellow comrades I might come into conflict with once this all kicks off.
Not enough ammo...
They have the popular vote, most gun nuts are right wing. And they have the military, most of which voted trump. Are there even enough people who are left of center to fight against that?
That's because there are a lot of marginlized folks here - gay, trans, autistic, linux users
I feel seen
Except you won't, because you are already coping on Lemmy
I'm talking about a guy who made no impact on a single company much less an industry and then went to prison, throwing away all of his rich boy ivy league education.
You are missing the point.
Those days might be numbered, but these places are the last bastion.
They will invade private homes, businesses and offices with impunity first.
Churches in particular have a long history of being relatively safe in (civil) war.
Not immune, just relatively.
I'm talking about a guy
Violence is bad. And it won't help anyway, unless it only makes things worse and society even more divided, leading the country into cycles of endless dictatorship.
The only way to get rid of illegitimate leaders is for at least 50%+ of the entire country to get together and protest all the way to Washington.
There is another way - if it's in your power, don't obey the regime in any way.
That's the whole point of dictators - they come in when some economic crisis starts and/or the people are fragmented.
By the way, dictators thanks to the fact that people are divided, and continue to rule. And also political apathy and social conservatism are only to the advantage of dictators, so they should have been regarded as evil from the beginning