Media Afraid to Call Ethnic Cleansing by Its Name
No, ethnic cleansing does not necessarily imply killing. It is the forced depopulation of an area, which can be by means of deportation, economic pressure, threat of violence, etc. Genocide is the most extreme form of ethnic cleansing.
Cut the bullshit
"Israel’s genocide in Gaza, launched in October 2023"
7th of October, when Israel decided for no reason to start a war. s/
When that shit is published on your site, I can't bother reading anything else. Wonder who runs this propoganda site.
Genocide also doesn't imply killing.
I feel like in common use it does. Some formal definitions don't require it, but then there's contradicting formal definitions.
Originally it was. Now, in the aftermath of said ethnic cleansing, it's like a byword for genocide-lite.
Y'all ever notice that arguments about how to call something steal oxygen away from what to do about it?
Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass-murder are just words. Calling it a pumpkin pie won't bring back one dead child.
Reality is independent from language. Words borrow meaning, they're not the source of it.
No, genocide is explicitly defined as:
the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
-Cide is to kill or killing, and is derived from Middle French, from Latin -cida, from caedere to cut, kill
Real, the genocide started on 1947.
Other way round. Genocide is a type of ethnic cleansing.
Yes, and you can destroy a group by means other than killing its members, such as forced sterilization, systematic abuse, or the transfer of children away from the community. It's the demo that's being killed, not necessarily its individual members.
1929, Arab Muslims exterminate the Jewish community of Gaza that lived there to hundreds of years:
1947, Arab Muslims demand to own all the land, even Jewish owned land:
1948, still refusing to share, start a war to kill all Jews in the area and lose: How could the Jewzzzzzz be so Genocidal!!!1!1!1!
1948-60: Arab countries take ownership of all Jewish belonging and kick them out (with some mass murders in between):
1967: six days war Israel takes over Gaza and the West Bank
Peace agreements between Israel and Egypt and Jurden, they refuse to take back over the management of Gaza/West Bank cus shity population.
2000: Camp David, Israel offers Arafat a Palestinian country. He refuses cus he doesn't get all Israel.
Shit goes south from here.
2024: Hamas opens war on Israel, breaking a long ceasefire. Send militants into Israeli cities to murder civilans in their homes. Israel retaliate.
Retards - "how could Israel dooooo that?!?!?!?!"The "Palestinan leadership" missed every opertinity, and refused everything that doesn't include full ownership of the region. Including Jewish cities with communities that lived there from before Islam even existed.
Meanwhile Arabs inside Israel get equal rights and the younger generation gets into higher education and makes good money. Retards on lemmy: so genocide.
This. Simply removing people of s certain ethnicity from a region without otherwise hurting them is ethnic cleansing but not genocide. It's still a crime against humanity, mostly, IMHO, because the "without otherwise hurting them" part rarely if ever happens.
Yeah but by turning people away from the media we also isolate them from groups with similar ideals, forcing them into bubbles/echo-chambers which are easily radicalized to promote violence and insurgency.
You're incorrect on this one. Abducting "enemy" children and brainwashing them is genocide. Erasing local language from books and signage is genocide. Part of the definition. You can kill an ethnicity by erasing it and not have to kill a single person.
If you want to argue a dictionary then be my guest.
The term kind of has the implication that things will be less dirty and more organised when it's done.
maybe read the actual convention on genocide instead of relying on a dictionary then?
because the case of abducted children stated above is explicitly stated in the convention...the dictionary definition you found is simply wrong and incomplete.
The definition isn't wrong, they just didn't read it correctly. Those things in the UN convention are methods that could be used to "cause the destruction of a people". They're spelled out to avoid people misinterpreting the definition just like they did.
yes, true, but not exactly why i used the phrasing "wrong AND incomplete":
i wrote it that way, because without clarifying that "destruction" means many different things apart form the common interpretation of "to kill", it's difficult for a casual reader to know what the convention actually says.
if anyone wants to shorten the definition to fit into a dictionary, they should be more responsible in their phrasing, so that this exact problem is less likely to occur.
so i do fault merriam webster here for providing an incomplete, oversimplified definition.
Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass-murder are just words.
And language is extremely important to how we think and form our understanding of the world.