Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe
It's a polycule, so yes. Like a standard relationship with two people, but it's three.
Yeah, there's a couple of issues with this graph.
Should have listed at least a Firefox fork instead, especially with the recent change in the ToS.
Not to mention Tesla.
Sure they produce coca-cola under licence. But they're not owned by them. They also produce Cuba Cola and Trocadero. Vastly superiors sodas.
Illegally occupied? rather be quiet you clown this war started 1400 years ago when the stupid profit of Islam attacked the jewish people stop spouting stupid shit about occupied when muslims are occupying Armenia and genocide many christians for their land then you want to talk about occupied, you fucking degenerate.
you did. check above
I've heard more about it elsewhere. It's very real.
It was on national tv news the other day, and some grocery chain is marking European products to help customers and such.
I'm not sure how big the economic impact will be though. Where I shop, most stuff is already local. -
If we start ignoring the laws, we are no better than Trump and his
clownsclan. Go for the alternatives instead. Also, If you keep using the US software they still get all anvertisement and telemetry which is more valuable to them than the software itself anyway. -
What kind of stack are you thinking of?
I’ve been boycotting Starbucks for 10 years because it’s shit coffee, and McDonalds for 30 years because it’s shit food.
What exactly does the US produce that is imported into the EU? Consumer market, of course, where one person has choice in the matter.
Migrating cloud servers to European hosters. Give EU money to improve/build a linux desktop. Use that desktop in government, schools, universities... (instead of Windows). Fork Firefox. Host fediverse services and use them where the governments use Twitter / TikTok / Insta.
Harder: Mandate for mobile phones with a user installable OS (Cyanogen etc.) Force tech companies to provide total transparency about data usage. Cancel any safe harbor agreements.
In the end, everything the Open Source crowd wished for.
Btw, I'd have no issues with American / Russian / China hosted open source stuff when we can review what it does. Ah, ok, a "european code review agency" might be a thing.