Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe
I’ve been boycotting Starbucks for 10 years because it’s shit coffee, and McDonalds for 30 years because it’s shit food.
What exactly does the US produce that is imported into the EU? Consumer market, of course, where one person has choice in the matter.
Migrating cloud servers to European hosters. Give EU money to improve/build a linux desktop. Use that desktop in government, schools, universities... (instead of Windows). Fork Firefox. Host fediverse services and use them where the governments use Twitter / TikTok / Insta.
Harder: Mandate for mobile phones with a user installable OS (Cyanogen etc.) Force tech companies to provide total transparency about data usage. Cancel any safe harbor agreements.
In the end, everything the Open Source crowd wished for.
Btw, I'd have no issues with American / Russian / China hosted open source stuff when we can review what it does. Ah, ok, a "european code review agency" might be a thing.
Loops, but it's still almost alpha.
Welcome, new one!
Not sure what your point is regarding the UK being a monarchy.
It's a Constitutional Monarchy, which means that the monarch isn't allowed to make decisions by itself.
There's still a representational government there. There are elections every so often.
Also I don't see the evil in a monarchy either.
Sodastream have a nasty habit of looking for a vulnerable, oppressed population, building a factory on illegally stolen land, hiring a few of the locals for peanuts and then screaming that they are "helping" them.
Did it to the Palestinians in the West Bank and when that failed relocated it in land confiscated from the Bedouins. It's in an artificial forced resettlement area where Bedouins have been forced to live in an Israeli-constructed town and industrial park.
Which is why I excluded technology.
Pretty sure you can follow people on mbin.
I wish Friendica would take off more.
Well exactly. Tech is about the only thing I can think of boycotting. I can certainly do services with little harm, but hardware is difficult.
Sodastream used to have a factory in the West Bank where they employed hundreds of Palestinians. Because of boycott pressure, they moved and hundreds of Palestinian workers lost their jobs.
BDS only cares about hurting Israel, no matter the consequences to Palestinians.
Yeah.. It's 24 hour opening so It was sometimes my shitty late night takeaway and I'd always regret it - my guts took 2 days to recover no matter what I ate... And apparently the MacDonald's food in america is even worse. Also trump eats it every day, so I can guess why he has to wear diapers.
I know that my country - The Netherlands imports a lot from the US, so i am trying not to.
Ditched all my Meta accounts, closed Amazon account/prime and Kindle, moved away from Google to several other services, stopped several streaming services and when we buy products from the supermarket actively check wheter products are from the US, and replace them with local/EU/Canadian products. -
Not just northern europe. In all of europe!
Will do traitors
Get an earthquake from all the ww2 vets and former presidents spinning in their graves from whats going on with you