Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe
You can block ads too so they don't make money.
But you can get apple juice and sparkling water, right?
Is it coca cola with extra hair?
I think it will. China has announced sanctions on particular US companies. I'd like to see more of that on Trump-positive businesses.
I use AdNauseam to click all of them instead.
Want to really hurt them?
Stop importing their oil.
Uhhh... I don't think I will
Good, fuck the USA and it's garbage products. It'd be harder to do if they weren't shit now, but perpetually cutting quality is basically the USA's motto. Now they are experiencing it in the government.
I won't go as far as to nuke all my accounts just yet but last year I made a big effort to use less of big tech companies. This is my drive to slowly continue doing that this year. I will finish my games that will not run on Linux without tinkering and then I'm quitting the hell that is Windows for good.
To be fair the sugar tax is so ridiculously harsh there is nobody but Coca Cola who hasn't made their drinks taste horrible instead.
That is cool. Thanks for sharing.
That's kinda genius, I must try next time
The usa is making plenty of foes.
Hmm I guess I was misinformed. Unilever was included in one of those "boycott US" posts recently.
it won't be hard when you understand that USA is selling you on their diseased junk just to profit off of you. We need to wake up to the fact that they are not selling us good products. They are selling us JUNK with no government oversight that is now full of GOD KNOWS WHAT just to keep it cheap, and turn a profit at the expense of your health and hard earned money.