Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe
Send this.
Maybe North Korea but that's about it
Doesn't Denmark use a lot of antibiotics?
Man, I wish. Preschool rocked.
You should come with me because grammar and punctuation don't seem like a strong suit.
Also it was probably free if you're in the EU, unlike the dude above you, lol. His parents had to get another job to pay for school.
as an American: shut the fuck up we suck shit
That "Made in America" logo is going to start being viewed very differently than when I was a kid.
Just own it. Stop pretending that engaging in bullying insulting behavior is somehow different because YOU did it. You're a bully and it's ok, I've met a lot of bullies and you won't be the last. You hate anyone that disagrees with you but i don't hate you.
Actually banning Coca Cola would probably mean a lot less people becoming sick and obese
I am not a bully for insulting you, unless you mean the archaic usage of bully:
a fine chap
Just own it. If you insult and degrade others for having a different opinion than you yes, you are a bully. It's ok. Your hate is making you powerful.
Lol okay. I do not really care if I insult people whose opinions I do not respect.
That's worse. If someone was telling me about "google or microsoft stacks" without explaining what it is, I would laugh.
Are you talking about OS, mobile OS, GUI, web, SaaS, APIs, services, subscriptions, servers, cloud, VMs, ...? What the fuck is a stack? Stack is a term that has been stolen by web devs and means nothing anymore.
You tell me. What is a Google stack? What is a Microsoft stack?
Google's stack is the services they provide, so google docs is an example, google drive, hangouts, gmail, that bunch
And the mirror from microsoft like m$ word, outlook, their cloud i forget the name of, minishit teams
That type of shit, what else would i be talking about? It was very clear from the beginning