Calls for boycotting US products spread in northern Europe
That's kinda genius, I must try next time
The usa is making plenty of foes.
Hmm I guess I was misinformed. Unilever was included in one of those "boycott US" posts recently.
it won't be hard when you understand that USA is selling you on their diseased junk just to profit off of you. We need to wake up to the fact that they are not selling us good products. They are selling us JUNK with no government oversight that is now full of GOD KNOWS WHAT just to keep it cheap, and turn a profit at the expense of your health and hard earned money.
Guess they aren't really our allies after all. The truth always comes out eventually.
Wtf is that supposed to mean.
Oh yeah i saw that in a documentary!
Its called a holy drink, isnt it? A brew from god. Using it in native and catholic religiouse rituals -
The truth always comes out eventually.
Yea, your comment history reveals you to be a twat.
Teslanazimobile. -
We will play with squirrels instead of video games! And wear bedsheets instead of clothing!
Doused in diseases?
What do you mean by that? That sounds like biological warfare.
It hasn't? When I was in Manchester in January, anything except the cans had a bunch of artificial sweeteners in it, in order to lower the sugar content. I don't know if the cans are a small enough size to skirt the tax, or just not be worth raising the price over, but bottles of regular Coke definitely had artificial sweeteners in them.
I wanted to use GrapheneOS, but only they only officially support Pixel.
That means people have to pay Google upfront before deGoogling -
You can call me names. If their population's intention is to harm us economically then maybe they aren't great allies?
Our family Netflix subscription ran for over 10 years and yesterday I canceled it. I also canceled my subscriptions for discord, chatGPT, claude and dropbox.