Donald Trump Pulling US Troops From Europe in Blow to NATO Allies: Report
Fair enough. The less US military presence in Europe the better. We shouldn't be reliant on the US for our security needs. European and NATO nations need to make sure they're pulling their weight.
European and NATO nations need to make sure they’re pulling their weight.
Which is something that every President starting with Bill Clinton has been saying but the EU has had its fingers stuck in its ears while going "La la la I can't year you!". They learned nothing from the Yugoslav Wars, didn't wake up for Crimea and it took extreme clanging of the alarm bells to get them to respond to Russo-Ukrainian War.
The EU has more people than the United States with an economy well capable of providing for common defense. It's time for them to quit faffing about and get to it. The US was never supposed to be the eternal linchpin of NATO.
Obligatory: Donald Trump is a cancer.
That's easier said than done. We have too few people in the military and our equipment is old and sparse.
our eastern neighbours
... you mean Ukraine, no?
But then we also withdraw from the Plaza accords.
The Plaza Accord ended in 1987. It was replaced with the Louvre Accord.
yes also, but not only.
what i'm sick to hear is newspapers calling the ukraininan war an angriffskrieg (war of aggression) while i did not hear that term a single fucking time for the Vietnam war.
(all the while ignoring actual security considerations of russia)
it sickens me that europe fails to see reason. it makes us look weak on an international stage.
The Vietnam war was 50 years ago. I think there was quite a bit of criticism of the Iraqi invasion which while already a bit dated is a more recent comparison, no?
yes i was referring to the vietnam one because otherwise people say "muh duh it's because 9/11 and they had to defend themselves".
Well Vietnam is harder for most people to compare because most of us weren't alive back then. So I don't have a point of reference for how the media treated that conflict.
There's always some kind of flimsy justification for war but we all know that Iraq and 9/11 were in no way related outside of the propaganda. Did people really take those things seriously in your community?
You aren't wrong but leaving out the bit about how much Europe has benefitted from the USA's military machine is sorta disingenous.
Sounds like military spending is gonna have to go up then!
You are right. But I still see most people refer to the Plaza accords. I guess those are just more well known.
Which country?
Well gettchyo ass in gear and join the party for your own good
The US doesn't have troops in Europe to benefit Europe though. They have troops in Europe to benefit the US.
Europe should be totally fine with them leaving. Get off their territory, give up all that power projection and hamstring yourself.
What a weird thing to threaten.
How did the EU benefit from the US military machine?
The only argument i can see would be deterrence, however it also seemed to have weakened the EUs resolve to build its on independent force. The US destabilizations in West Asia have brought us Daesh and millions of refugees, which were exploited by the far right to rise to power in many EU countries, now working to destroy the EU from within and often favorable to Putin.
Nazis do that, and they've hijacked America for the time being.
Y’ know, OUR country.
When will the US-made fighter jets stop working?