US approves $7.4bn sale of more weapons to Israel used to ravage Gaza
You said Democrats are lite Republicans.
This is false.I gave an example, they reigned Israel, Trump is going to take over Gaza.
From Israel. Try again.
You live in a dream world. Biden didn't stop anything except UN resolutions against Israel's genocide.
I literally said “it’s not just about the genocide.” Palestine isn’t the only thing going on in the world, and there are millions of people who are being affected right here in the US because of trump’s fascist behavior.
I’m sorry about Palestine, and if there was a candidate who vowed to stop feeding Israel money & weapons, I’d vote for them. But I’m not a single issue voter, because I’m not a fucking moron. I can’t turn my back on transsexuals in America, or Latin American refugees, or immigrants in the US, or low-income people, the mentally ill, the elderly, non-Christians, gays, the sick, or pregnant women in America. I can’t ignore climate change. I can’t ignore the possibility of another pandemic. The US public education system is in danger. Environmental protections are in danger. Countless other public health & safety programs are in danger. Ukrainians are in danger. All because of trump.
I’m supposed to not vote for a candidate who supports genocide, when both candidates support it, but one of the two also threatens everything else, plus so much more?
The way our political system works is if you don’t vote for one it practically counts as a vote for the other-so refusing to vote is also supporting genocide.
Like other people have said- it’s a real life trolly problem. The people are already tied to the tracks, and all I can do is pull a lever. There is no avoiding it.
I hate the genocide. I support Palestine. I believe that between the two candidates, at least there was a sliver of a chance that they would stop the genocide under a Democratic presidency. Under a Republican presidency, there is less than zero chance. In addition to all I’ve listed above, and more.
In terms of Palestine maybe it’s a wash. But at least the Dems have a handful of party members who want to stop helping Israel. But my child right here in the US is in danger now because of trump. Billions of children’s futures are in danger because of trump.
It's not like Americans will get to vote again. The current system is done for.
Ah yes, the same type of alarmist rhetoric the dems were pushing during the campaign. If the stakes were really this high, why did democrats sit on their asses for 4 years while Trump gained power? Why was their legal battle against Trump the most limp-dicked effort we've seen? Most importantly, why did Biden peacefully transfer power to Trump if the stakes were truly so high? This is one of the funniest liberal thought processes to me: the idea that it's better to sacrifice your constitution, country, and democratic process instead of sacrificing "civility", "decorum", and "precedent". Yall would rather embrace fascism with open arms than use the most basic tools at your disposal: stacking courts, appointing judges, using executive orders, etc... you know, all the strategies Republicans have mastered these past few years and have shown are extremely effective.
At the end of the day, the Democratic party's selling point was "harm reduction", but that was generous at best. It has become clear that the democrats simply slowed down the rate at which things were getting worse, and when the position of the party becomes "slow down genocide" as opposed to "stop genocide", I think it's perfectly fair for people to draw a red line. The only logical conclusion to this line of thinking is reaching a point, 20 years from now, when the choice is between a Democrat who wants 9 genocides and a republican who wants 10.
It’s my opinion. I know the Republican policies towards Gaza are worse. I waited 4.5 hours in line to vote for Kamala but I am still pissed at them for not going after Bibi harder. Israel killed US citizens when they bombed clearly marked World Central Kitchen cars and the a Biden administration just kept sending arms.
Sleepy Don
Yeah it sucks for all of us that have like morals and ethics and crap. Like I said, I ate shit and voted for Democrats like I've done for my entire life. I did not and would never vote for a republican and I'm not encouraging anyone to. What I'm saying is that our politics is like making a choice between cutting your dick off or getting your eye poked out. There is no good option.
I feel deeply for people who have children, you probably shouldn't have done that.
Wow. This comment is one of the stupidest, most embarrassing comments I’ve seen on the internet. This comment is such a sad representations of ignorance and complicit brainwashing. Really dumb dumb comment right here.
Wow. This comment is one of the stupidest, most embarrassing comments I’ve seen on the internet. This comment is such a sad representations of ignorance and complicit brainwashing. Really dumb dumb comment right here.
So the dems are dumb for not fighting fascism with fascism? You can't save democracy by destroying it. That "ends justify the means" thinking is why the republican party ended up this way. Why would republicans in congress want to disenfranchise themselves by installing a dictator? They're just morons grasping for conspiracy theories to win elections, without thinking about the long term consequences. Maybe I'm naive, but save for the few actual lunatics (like MTG), I'm sure many republicans would turn on Trump the instant they felt they could get away with it, especially now
Here waiting for you to stop infighting and join us in the real world.
I'm so glad that your choice allowed you to claim moral superiority.
What do you think "lite Republicans" means?
How did Democrats "reign in Israel"? You know other countries exist right? And they exert international pressure? Democrats have not reigned in Israel at all.
Where are all the fascists that are crying about less government and keeping our money in the US and only for the US?
Was it more important for liberals and Kamala to lose the election than stand for Palestine?
I'm sorry people of Gaza, this is really evil and as a US person who has paid taxes, I'm a part of it. I wish I could stop it but am poor, I'm not sure protesting would work. I feel helpless and also responsible. This is no different than when everyone looked the other way and refused to take Jewish people during WWII. I am sorry for not realizing what this was sooner and disbelieving the severity and evilness of it at first.
There's really no way for me to opt out of this unless I leave the US, become like Henry David Thoreau and just don't participate in society, which may mean death for me, or actually just choose to die so I no longer have to be part of a disgusting and evil society. The regular people of Gaza aren't part of this war and war crimes are being committed. It probably means nothing but I'm so so sorry.
I wish your fantasy world existed, but it doesnt
The whole of Middle East for starters, and then many other parts of Asia and Africa. Israel is despised
The Russian bots still have it out for Biden.