US approves $7.4bn sale of more weapons to Israel used to ravage Gaza
And that, is irrelevant. If you have a better point make it im not gonna make your arguments for you.
Already have. You won't answer the question honestly, but anyone remotely informed already knows the answer. You are embarrassing yourself.
I see as expected a genocide denier.
While "better" still betting not going to pay for anything useful.
You didn't make a point you asked me a question. The list I've given shows who'se recieved the most from Israeli interests. Whether or not they're actually from Israel is irrelevant.
If Israel pays the money goes to American workers.
Your student loans are the results of systematic failure.
Universities don't need mega stadiums, students shouldn't need to buy books, admin staff shouldn't make so much. You also have a weird structure where top researchers make buttload of money, but TA down the pyramid are starving.In sane parts of the world universities build libraries, not stadiums. The life of TAs are hard, but they don't go into debt, top researchers don't get to pocket piles of gold, they get more research resources and admin staff get normal salaries.
tl;dr the money is there to give you almost free education, but it's not a priority.
Murica: Naaa need more carriers and dead children
I could not care less about moral superiority. That's why I held my nose and voted for an imperfect candidate.
real quick: how do these options develop if we keep telling ourselves that?
You have to work on building a party and preparing a candidate a couple of years in advance, you can't do that 3 months before the vote, at this point you can only vote for the lesser evil.
Are you working on that now?