CVS wants you using its mobile app to unlock store shelves
Nice try CVS
And drink verification can
I can never not laugh at that kind of reply.
How about I just don't shop there?
That’s a no from me dawg
They drool for the possibility of this.
I only went there to get some eye drops because my eyes were on fire and I was desperate.
Not only techno fascism, just ordinary fascism. You know where the companies controls the government and vice versa.
D) Turn around and shop elsewhere
I already don't shop there, so no.
Fuck. This. Noise.
Do you actually want to stand there while someone is called over to unlock these? I get nothing out of that service experience. Would far rather press a button in an app. It’s just dumb that things are behind glass in the first place.
On their wifi? No thanks.
Or, now hear me out, I stop shopping there.