Linux Mint - NOT "Usable Out of the Box" - Probably switching back to Windows
I agree that linux is difficult t best for a desktop. I use MacOS for my desktop system. Its very linux-like under the hood, but it just works. In my opinion its way better than Windows.
That's the thing, I've loved Linux when it's worked right. I want to use it full time. My first install, after fixing everything, was going great. I had to reinstall because I messed something up, and now I can't fix any of this.
I've been using Linux Mint for 2 weeks now. Everything worked out of the box. No nVidia driver problem, controller works fine, can't speak for Bluetooth since I don't use it.
I only scratched my head on the Joplin synchronization with my phone using Syncthing, which was fixed after maybe 10min of tinkering.
Haven't rebooted to my backup windows install since.
10/10 would recommend. -