Facebook flags Linux topics as 'cybersecurity threats' — posts and users being blocked
Yeah, they now no longer censor things like saying that LGBTQ+ people are mentally ill or that women are "household objects" or that all immigrants are criminals (regardless of immigration status). So, yes they stopped censoring hate-speech that far right people don't consider hate speech because they consider those things as accepted facts.
This issue is more likely about the perception that anyone with an interest in technology is a cyber criminal. Same reason that the Bush administration's NSA flagged subscribers to the Liinux forums. Knowledge is power and they believe anyone who wants knowledge is a threat to their power. They'd prefer to go back to the dark ages and die of dysentery than accept women as equal, gay people as human, or brown people as neighbors (which is even more ironic when coming from other brown people).
Statistically speaking most LGBTQ+ ARE mentally ill. This is not hate speech and you're a brainwashed idiot if you think it is.
Might be, but correlation is not causation. I can understand being anxious when people like trump come to power and I am the first target of repression.
Statistically speaking most LGBTQ+ ARE mentally ill. This is not hate speech and you’re a brainwashed idiot if you think it is.
It's disingenuous to equate statements like "Most LGBT people suffer from anxiety and depression" and "Being gay is a mental illness". It's the second kind that is the problem, and I don't think anyone is worrying about the first.
You are so far up your own ass you somehow blamed the censorship of an operating system within a social media website on the entire far right. <...> How about you blame the oligarchs and big tech CEOs for reprogramming your mind to think and dislike what they want you to think and dislike.
"They" in the second paragraph seems to refer to the people in power, I don't see where they are blaming "the entire far right".
LOL, Model M. Fucking newbies.
Typed on my Model F.
this is likely to keep as much people on windows as possible in an effort prevent people from being able to disable (or not have at all) things like location tracking, telemetry, etc. the us govt is probably going to crack down hard on "terrorist" threats (aka socialists, palestine supporters, and even anyone moderately critical of us imperialism), so they're gonna need all the information they can gather about people's online activities
.worlders come swinging with bangers like this.
How about you blame the oligarchs and big tech CEOs for reprogramming your mind to think and dislike what they want you to think and dislike.
The oligarchs aren't reprogramming anyone. They facilitate right wingers to spread propaganda, but the actual propaganda is produced by right wingers. Do you think the oligarchs spend their personal time carefully crafting narratives, memes, posters, news article and Facebook posts?
Your comment proves you fundamentally do not understand how societal expectations and rejection affect people psychologically. If half the world was constantly trying to make your life hell, I bet your mental health wouldn't be the best either.
It is far too common to point at depression or anxiety as the problem instead of a symptom of the actual problem.
But making that distinction would require critical thinking, a skill that, for someone calling other people "brainwashed idiots", seems to be sorely lacking... -
You're a disgrace to the fictional character you have chosen for your pfp.
Would have been a good reason to leave facebook / Meta – but I already did ...
Lol yet you are the ones forcing people to adopt YOUR ideas. picard would have yeeted you off the enterprise
Gee. Sounds a lot like CCP. Oh well.
Trans rights are human rights.
So are all other LGBTQ+ rights.
You will never make me believe that Picard would have felt differently, and if you think he would have, I really don't know how you missed so many of the fundamental messages across all Trek properties.
I didn't see your comment before the mods removed it, but the beauty of Lemmy is it's in the modlog.
I'd just like to interject for a moment...
That's not true though. A browser running in a Linux desktop shows ads just like any other OS, and ad blocker browser extensions are platform agnostic.