Least regrettable but most unconventional liquid to take a bath in?
Feel like any resulting UTIs would be worth it for the great sleep that bath would bring
You'd definitely survive longer than something non-oxygenated. I feel like I read a paper that involved a full hour of immersion in animal trials, but I can't be sure now.
The wiki makes it sounds like in medical settings they only fill the lung partway, usually. That would allow CO2 to escape from the top part. The lung is both massively branched and somewhat delicate, so getting enough pumping going in a full lung sounds like it would be very difficult and invasive. CO2 is so rarefied in healthy blood it doesn't take long at all for diffusion to start working backward in any one alveolus.
There's also technology in trials to remove CO2 from the blood separately, which it only as invasive as a dialysis machine. I have no idea if anyone has tried combining them, although you have to assume it'd be an obvious next step.
Coconut penis
It’s a hard sell though.
Steve Allen on his TV show in the 60s used to occasionally get into bathtubs full of weird stuff. The one I remember offhand was oatmeal.
nail polish that has been sitting out with the lid partly unscrewed for a week.
Or printer ink. Costs thousands.
Thanks, great insight!
why do you hate Pepsi so much? I like it
it beat me as a child
nice try nonetheless
I would happily do oatmeal
lmao, I wish they dived in
Like it sets with you in it?
Cannabis oil
now that'd be a journey
Cody from the youtube channel Cody'sLab tried to stand in a basin/bucket full of mercury. He also squirted mercury out of his mouth, and he used to do a bunch of other Mercury related videos. Since I first started watching him he's become increasingly eccentric and he eventually had a bout of Depression. Evenrually, Cody started to build a self-sufficient mars base out in the middle of nowhere. I'm not saying the mercury contact is necessarily related, but i'm not not saying it was related
That's nowhere near $240 worth of pudding. Give me about 60 gallons of milk, a pile of cornstarch, some sugar, and some vanilla extract and I'll make you over 8 cubic feet/220 liters of pudding. You'd drown.
Oh yeah.
Me mold.