What are some examples of 'common sense' which are nonsense?
Moss doesn't exclusively grow on the north side of trees.
My brain was like "why do people so desperately need to find moss that it not being on the north side would mean death?" Before remembering many people don't know which way they are facing (or left and right) usually. (Also, I'm sure I'd do worse in an unfamiliar area)
Yeah, that's fair, for sure, to some degree. For instance large fractions of policing funding should be redirected into various social services, and military spending can get fuck off all together.
But also, wealthier people paying more than an equal share of tax is a good thing too, and provides lots of intangible benefits (e.g. better education systems and fewer people in extreme poverty and desperation leads to lower crime rates)
Also you can juke a lot of QoL stats through interactions with other countries (for better or worse; having a weak currency could improve employment conditions but make it harder for people to get imported goods, impossible for a household to achieve or even make a meaningful decision on)
Apparently some are wholly disconnected, but not all, leading to some pedestrians just standing there through multiple traffic cycles because they read a cracked article in 2010 that said the buttom doesn't do anything. Pressing a second time definitely doesn't do anything but provide stress relief though.
Related is elevator close-door buttons. I hold them down for a long time which seems to work well, but for some elevators it doesn't.
True enough. And Trump could very well accelerate that with his economic temper tantrums. Still, I don't know what currency BRICS would settle on; certainly not the ruble, not after Putin cratered the whole country's economy. The yuan?
The labor market is indeed regulated by that supply and demand. That is a foregone conclusion. However, that doesn't guarantee necessarily higher wages and thus higher quality of life, proportionately speaking.
That itself is a struggle over whether "general profit", after accounting for wages, is reinvested for the social needs, such as housing, food and water, education.
Assuming that "general profit" (savings) + wages (needed for laborers' means of subsistence) = value created.
And assuming wages are sufficient enough for higher quality of life.
But put into the equation the landlords, the shareholders, industrialists that dominate our world by virtue of owning the property that shapes it, who want to depress wages, if it means more "general profit", and direct their savings towards more capital accumulation
Bulls seem like they are capable of herd defense, they are kept isolated for a reason. Same with roosters and chickens.
Cows are not a natural species
Is common sense just an earlier, naive label for confirmation bias?
What they settle on isn't too important other than it won't be the dollar.
Lol a better example would be "bitch, explain humans" we're the biggest anomaly to this statement. In ecology we refer to our evolutionary perseverance as "survival of the collaborative"
Fittest for the purpose of being chosen by farmers to participate in breeding.
I view it as a thought terminating cliché people use when they're too lazy ti fully explain themselves. It can be useful for things that are truly obvious, like if you try touching something fresh out of the stove without protection you'll get burned, it doesn't really add anything to bother explaining it.
Interesting... if that's true, then you can know what temperature each setting on the knob is.
I wonder if this is true for all electric ranges?
A key aspect is that it doesn't even require confirmation.
Huh, these are all common sense statements I would have assumed true. Four our of four, good work!
Good call, I'll start looking out for these!
I don't have evidence, but I have heard there are also times of day when it's automated and when it's manual. So you might need to press it at midnight but not during rush hour. Interesting if true.