Download the model and run locally is the most secure and privacy friendly way to use it.
Download the model and run locally is the most secure and privacy friendly way to use it.
It's absurd how little they know about what they are doing.
T [email protected] shared this topic on
And that's exactly why they want to stop it
Nah, Congress (esp the Senate) is a bunch of old people yelling at clouds, and sometimes they yell the same thing. Don't give them too much credit.
I doubt they understand local vs server distinction.
"Server is when we ask Amazon to build a backdoor, local is when we ask Microsoft"
It's easy to run a distilled version of the R1 model locally. It's very difficult to run the full version. Min $6k to get 7 tokens per second.
I hear its easy, but I've had no luck at all on the most distilled models (for prelim testing), and am wondering how things have broken so badly.
Here's one for 2k if you don't mine jank