If Kodak came back with a Camera tomorrow, what would you be awaiting from a company like them?
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I would add an i between the d and o.
Then I would sell arms as is protected under the 2nd amendment to everyone in America.
You are right, it is partially incorrect. If they wanted to become as big as they where before by selling a new product with their image, what would you await from them
I would expect the same to be honest, with a focus on a 300~500$ Phone market
That would be a cool product to be made
Tupperware also is in the same position as Pyrex right mow
From Wikipedia:
The company has licensed the Kodak brand to several products produced by other companies, such as the PIXPRO line of digital cameras manufactured by JK Imaging. https://petapixel.com/2013/01/23/kodak-brand-license-holder-jk-imaging-shrouded-in-mystery/
Holy crap, there is actually a market of 4k video doorbells, why do you need so much pixels for a doorbell
ain't 2k good enough or even 1080p
so i can zoom in
I really like this idea, although knowing Kodak and looking at their olders products in the 00's they would try to make an ergonomic product, but in a very specefic way to them. Kind of the Xperia route
A dice size SLR with optional USB C, so you can attach it to phones and drones.
If the question is how do you revive a company with a dead reputation and little sales like Kodak, but tailored to that case specifically:
Kodak, and every other retail company, creates products that rely on not only their product, but also their brand. Companies with semi useless products sell them all the time
K-cups, somehow took an infinitely reusable thing like a coffee maker and turned it into a tiny plastic trash cup
Dasani water is awful tasting, terrible for the environment, and expensive, but they go where they're neededAnd a million other examples, selling a product isn't about being the best or even having something good. It's really a matter of branding and marketing strategy.
Rebrand kodak to a bespoke camera with a bunch of little camera accessories, a small preview screen but a bunch of little knobs, lean into the fact that it's not a smart phone. Print on the device like those urban outfitter cameras, make a snapchat style camera that will only keep photos for a day, do something different and target a specific audience and they could be revived as something different. Work on making a camera that can't be reproduced by ai, human authenticity fingerprints for images or something.
Kodak as it was will very likely never make a comeback. They didn't keep up.
i had sigma cameras and their color interpretation was incomparably better thanks to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foveon_X3_sensor
i would expect, not gimmicks, but a fundamentally better sensor. An invention about light and not about phones
Like a Fancy GoPro with an alternative usebase?
I'd like a hybrid camera. Digital and film options. Also, I think you could get people interested in developing their own pictures. Here's a quick link to developing film photographs.
This is off the top of my head, but I could see retirees and young people being sold on a new hobby. Sell a camera with darkroom equipment.
Good luck with the project.
Shooting film is actually a growing market again these days, so I would want them to release an affordable new film camera.
They already license out the Kodak brand for the Kodak H35, which is a fun half-frame 35mm point-and-shoot, but it’s cheaply made and very light on features, so there’s still a gap in the market for something more advanced.
Pentax has recently reentered that exact market with the Pentax 17, but at ~£500 retail I believe another company could undercut them and gain a following.