BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired
I loved my BB Bold 9000, but the physical keyboard did reduce the screen size to a rather small form factor compared to modern phones. And I dare say that swyping is faster and just as accurate, so even if there would be new phones coming out with hardware keyboards of the same quality as old BlackBerry's, I doubt I would switch back.
Hopefully that means somebody other than Unihertz will make a keyboard phone.
I don’t need it to be super high end, I’d just rather not own a Chinese made phone with all the data they send back.
I'm 40% dolomite
My HTC Desire Z (aka T-Mobile G2) got many years of extra use as a dedicated emulation machine for exactly that reason.
It's not three straight rows of keys with the other buttons on a fourth row at the bottom. That's what BB had a design patent for.
BB being able to protect itself from the big players is actually a success story of patents. The 800 lb gorilla's of the industry never made as good of a keyboard, but if they could have copied BB's superior design, they would have stomped them in a heartbeat.
There's a lot of shit about what happens for a dying company and selling patents and so forth that absolutely is scummy. Serious discussion needs to happen there, but calling for them to be abolished? That's just naive.
5 line keyboard!
I had forgotten! Relive the magic:
With all the craze to make phones super thin, soon they'll be so thin you could add a sliding keyboard on it, and it'll be thinner than phones of a year or two ago!
remember some of the older phones had a sliding keyboard from under the phone.
In mine, the keys stopped working reliably, but it was still my favourite Android phone so far
I still have my lg v30! It's not my main phone, but I keep it on for apps and other stuff I don't want to put on my main phone, and the battery still lasts me a whole day with moderate use. And yeah, the last update it had was in 2019. Truly a great company. But for me, the G5 was the GOAT!
There's the FXtech Pro-1, with a slide out keyboard, apparently the hinge is very good.
But it's pretty ancient by now and there's still no successor... I doubt it sold well.
Try going a little slower. That always makes it more accurate for me.
I loved my N900. Think it would be doable right now with that thickness.
My 2001-era Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA had the best slide out keyboard ever made, nothing has come close at all. A CF wifi card brought it so close to being a smart phone before there were smart phones.
I would buy it today as a phone if they'd just remake the original with an updated linux with QT equivalent option and updated screen hardware.
I use the Google keyboard at speed and it works great, while the iphone used in the same manner was completely impossible. Even the Google keyboard installed on the iphone was awful.
I'll try your tip and go slower. Maybe that will make a difference.
Patents should be abolished.
I disagree.
How's your experience using it? Do you keep it always on? And does the phone seem too big?
T [email protected] shared this topic
The one on the picture is actually a Keyone. It runs Android 8 which was just fine.