What's a movie that you were probably "too young" to see, when you first watched it, but you're glad you did?
Awesome brother!
I was gonna answer Grave of the fireflies, which I watched in my twenties. Then I read the 'but you're glad that you did' so I can't say that movie.
But maybe Fullmetal Jacket? Tough movie for a 14 year old
I watched Full Metal Jacket this year at 34 and it was still pretty rough.
I watched the wall when I was 7
And it fucked me.up form years.. constant nightmares and panic attacks..
Why am I thankful for? Not sure..the memories?
Fun fact: Grave Of The Fireflies was originally a double feature with My Neighbor Totoro.
I didn't realize it until now, but same for me. That scene where the toxic sludge man disintegrated after being hit by a car haunted me. Actually, it was how he was calling for help that did it. I realize this is counter to OP's question, haha.
Five Million Years to Earth
Killer Klowns from Outer Space. I was in kindergarten and had a very inattentive babysitter.
Boy, that movie will seriously stick with you when your typical fare was Barney related. It's really the grounding for me having any memories of that period of my life at this point, lol.
What the fuck, that had to be a trip! Either watch order would suck: ruin your mood before Totoro or get blindsided by the second feature.
Interesting note. Thanks for this!
I miss the days when silly slapstick was mixed with subtle adult humor to make a family film for all ages.
My youngest introduction to Mel Brooks was Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I never fully understood the chastity belt bits at first. Call the locksmith!
The dynamic of Murray and Martin as the masochist and the sadist was fucking brilliant!
I'm gonna get a candy bar I'm gonna get a candy bar!
What's in the box?
I thought Nancy was so hot!
Way of the Gun
Mean Guns
I think I was 7 when I first watched it. I also thought it was really cool then. Still one of my favorites.