Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction
Maybe, but you will win more pub quizzes and it's better than brainrot content
I mean you can just swipe if it’s not your jam. I think this is a great idea.
I too find this such a nice refreshing take on wikipedia. It’s only been a few days, hope the developer improves it further. I realize some kind of recommendation algorithm opens a pandora’s box, but one can dream
I'm imagining one of those that feeds you random TVTropes instead
An algorithm usually involves lots of complex calculations and weights. Picking a number from a pool of numbers at random is as simple as it gets.
I've downloaded the app and left a five star rating. The app works great! Please show support to this developer
In comsci, there are no real random numbers. They are all seeded psuedo-random number algorithms. (Unless you integrate with some third party random as a service setup)
I just installed it and was immediately annoyed by the auto-scrolling feature being turned on by default. Is that really how TikTok works? How does anyone put up with this shit?
Ironically, my overly chatty doctor was ranting about how methadone is a racket and they string people along for years instead of titrating them off. He prescribes Suboxone, apparently.
It’s not. You have to enable autoscrolling on TikTok.
What app? Isnt just browser bsed?
WikiTiki ?
It's like what vaping is to nicotine addiction.
Better than the alternative, buttt
Not sure but i support them for trying. Maybe leave a review and ask the dev to change it.