‘Like a horror movie’: ICE detaining German tourist in California indefinitely
Being a Vancouver boy, born and bred, I agree....buuuut if you do end up in Seattle, Biscuit Bitch is a must.
You are European, you have so many nice countries to visit, why would you go to the US, you kinda had it coming
With you until the end. Don't be such a dick.
There are still many nice places to visit in America, I would just avoid the US.
ICE on its way to be renamed into Schutzstaffel
The Frankfurter Rundschau additionally writes
Wie Nikita Lofving, eine befreundete Kollegin Brösches der Zeitung sagte, soll das Tattoo-Equipment, das die Berlinerin bei sich trug, den Grenzbeamten als Verdachtsmoment ausgereicht haben, dass Brösche in den USA arbeiten wolle. Lofving sagte, Brösche habe lediglich sie tätowieren wollen – unter Freundinnen und eben nicht kommerziell.
Jessica had tattoo equipment with her to tattoo Nikita, but that equipment made the border police suspicious that she was trying to tattoo American customers illegally on her tourist visa.
I would avoid America completely. To send a good message you can't give money.
They sure don't seem to want them.
She wanted to visit her friend
US != America
America contains the two continents South and North America -
Like a horror movie
IE. It's all good when the darker people are butchered until it happens to a white person.
It's not the only case, it's just the only one getting media attention (which might not be a good thing).
No,no, that's to broad, I think Trump will reform the FBI into that/create something like that....
It's more like "SS-Grenzpolizei"(SS-Borderpolice - yeah,they existed)
Sure, but this is pretty pedantic.
I love my Germans and all but wow! Just wow! Millions of Mexicans, Hispanic, Latinos and Chinese get detained and deported. But here comes one white person from Germany and wow! Now its s horror movie. Entire families torn apart, babies and small children lost forever, but nothing compares to the suffering of one German woman for 8 days! My God!
But I'm pretty sure she might agree with my point here before you start down voting. I mean wouldn't you sort of agree that maybe something is just fucking wrong and all lives should matter the same no matter where you might have come from? I known this comment might rough up some feathers. But think to yourself... Is a German's mother's suffering more than a Mexican's mom if the assholes at the border took her baby?
Time will tell. Is this it? Do we forget Jessica somewhere in Guantanamo just for Trump to make a point? Or do we all walk together realizing that Trump is a nazi and jailing people indefinitely is what nazis did? This shit has got to stop! I say get all the Jessicas out...Black, Brown, Asian or European, all of them need freedom.
Sorry but that's just kinda how the word America is used in English. It probably shouldn't be, but it is.
Understandable but I would not visit a friend in North Korea or Russia either
What next: painter detained for 2 weeks as they tried to cross the US boarder for having paper, brushes, and a water colour palette as border police suspect they were attempting to paint illegally on their tourist visa.
Interesting how the moment a german gets detained its like a horror movie. Not blaming the germans but the media can fuck off.