Bullying, berating Trump shows his worst self in Zelenskyy ambush
This happened 12 hours ago.
It says Diplomacy, but both are fitting actually
Fuck off Ivan
Yup. And when Russia invaded Ukraine, everyone called him a Russian puppet because of course America would never!
OTOH, it's possible he's consciously splitting with the US in hopes of getting the EU with him. Long term, could be smart.
That sucks and permabans really shouldn't be a thing except in extreme causes of threatening to like harm/dox some one and stuff like that. Not seeing where you did anything to get banned at all, but especially not permabanned.
If Lemmy just ends up being another reddit that's going to suck so bad.
I would say they are more like ringwraiths - twisted shadows of men bound to a larger evil, Putin.
Ah cheers, misread that!
And his most heroic act was not punching the old fart in the teeth
If the Europe had any sense of self respect the US embassies would be closing everywhere right now just like the russian ones.
Perfect response, enjoy your fall of Rome era.
So true.
The democrats would rather have trump than Bernie.
Think it was this video:
Looks like the comments are slightly more sane now than they were when I first saw it, which is good.
I imagine it would be quite cathartic
Yeah, could be some kind of 300 IQ move but, it didn't feel like it was planned. It felt like he was just acting emotionally.
I’m glad we get to see this shameful display. I wouldn’t talk lto a dog like that, much less the democratically elected leader of another sovereign nation that’s an ally. The US used to be a beacon of freedom and diplomacy, but clearly we shouldn’t expect that from the current regime.
Europe will keep supporting Ukraine regardless, but it really is in the US’ interests to stay involved in this conflict. It’s disconcerting that Trump can’t seem to grasp that basic fact.