Bullying, berating Trump shows his worst self in Zelenskyy ambush
Here's the full video:
Yes 100% I never questioned that part!
US gets to be the Nazis this time.
You'll never convince your typical Trump voter that it's true is the main fucking issue though.
I love how he thought he was pulling a power move and then EVERYONE is like “don’s a bitch-ass pussy”. Fucking outstanding.
Hey man, I dropped a log this morning that was 12" long and 1.5 inches thick.
That motherfucker was a majestic bastard.
I wouldn't even put Trump in the same league as the skidmark that was left behind by this veritable ring-buster.
Ha! Given the insanity of this interview, I didn't think I needed to clarify.
I checked a few parts for a few minutes. It was too painful to watch.
Troomp and JD couch showed the worst traits leaders could have. The obvious ones are the American superiority complexes and the toxic need to escalate and talk down upon others.
In all of the bits I saw when skipping trough it, Zelenksy deescalated the situation multiple times while Trump and especially Vance escalated and started talking like some pretentious teenager bullies that gotten themselves a country.
Fuck the USA.
America is an enemy to freedom, democracy, and peace to the world; Americans just haven't felt it yet.
They will soon when the dictatorship turns violent, after all checks and balances are removed.
Trump’s Hot Take: If someone breaks into your home, begins stealing stuff and murdering your family, just stand by. You don’t want to cause a stir.
Anyone who thought this would work out differently was simply not paying attention or was being willfully ignorant.
US provided a deal Zelinsky simply could not sign and they knew it. Chump set Zelinsky up for this shit show cause, in his world, Chump either gets the deal he wants or he gets to act/look tough.
And how masculine/tough to have Couchie there backing him up cause Chump isn't brave enough to do it all on his own.
And, of course, all concludes with disastrous results all around.
They really need to step in here, before Putin moves into the white house permanently
Fuck the USA.
The strength to not knee that retarded tub of lard in the face...
They generally just overthrew the government and called it a day.
Trump's Hot Take: Give me half your stuff and I'll help you stop that other thief/murderer.
It's a great deal because he's gonna take everything.
I don't know exactly how to put this, but I feel personally embarrassed by this.
I think this is going to shift world order more than expected. Every country now must be nuclear. Trump is going to try to install himself as a dictator. I think violence will have to be the answer. Man it's depressing.
I feel like no one who could have a sway (aside from the mass who is not organized and still devided at the moment) would benefit from trump not being in power. That's a lot of negatives, let me rephrase: I feel that no one with the power to influence—aside from the masses, who, if organized, could have significant sway—has much incentive to act, as they benefit from Trump being in power.
You shouldn't, but check out this Politico article started with:
Russian leaders cheered after President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance dealt Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a brutal smackdown in the Oval Office Friday
It's amazing how we see a petulant man-child throwing a fit and they see "a brutal smackdown". The propaganda is evident.