Bullying, berating Trump shows his worst self in Zelenskyy ambush
For people curious, here's a complete video. I skimmed through it and it looks like it starts to really devolve a bit after 40 minutes.
The stupid part is that Trump / Vance made themselves look like assholes. Zelensky was over to sign a deal and they threw him out for disagreeing with their dumb talking points. And far from making America "great", I expect that Canada, Europe, UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea etc has collectively decided that they need to reduce their dependence on America while these malignant narcissists are in charge.
Not everyone can do those things. I'm poor and if I take to the streets, I can lose my job.
Trump's unreasonable nature is so obvious in the full video that I don't see how anyone with two braincells can be on his side. Some highlights I want to share:
Reporter asks at 37:39 "… and who would protect those minerals … ?"
Trump: "They'll be protected. The agreement will protect them. The agreement, yeah we're signing an agreement."
Reporter: "Right but what if Russia tries to invade or there's russian agression in those spots."
Trump: "I just don't think that's going to happen."
He then deflects by trying to discredit the reporter since he couldn't answer the question. So instead of giving Ukraine any guarantees or acknowledging Russia's previous deceit, he hand waves it away.At 33:45 "… what did [Putin] tell you that he wanted peace?". Trump: "My whole life is deals … I've known him for a long time, he had to suffer through the Russia hoax, you know Russia Russia Russia it was a hoax. It was all Biden it was nothing to do with him … I think that he wants to make a deal and he would like to see it end." What an absolute nothing answer. He's asked why he believes this is viable and after a short attempt at making Russia the victim he just says, rephrased, "because, lol".
At 39:50 Vance goes on a truly incoherent ramble about how Biden tried "thumping [his] chest and pretending that the president of the United States words mattered more than the President of the United States's actions" and thus "the path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe in engaging in diplomacy". Ah, diplomacy, the path that is famously known for it's lack of words... sending money to Ukraine or providing military aid? Those aren't actions, they're just words. Zelensky goes on to ELI5 to Vance how Putin broke diplomacy before the clips everyone is posting begins.
And just for fun, at 30:15 Trump delivers a line so stupid it almost breaks Zelensky's poker face: "I've stopped wars, I've stopped many wars. My people will tell you, I've stopped wars that nobody ever heard about. I stopped wars before they ever started. … I could give you a lot of nations that would tell you right now they were probably going to war — I could tell you right now there is a nation thinking about going to war on something that nobody in this room has ever even heard about."
This is ignoring all the times they try and blame Biden for Russia invading Ukraine which just ???
We are the baddies now
We were the baddies before.
If you don't think arming a genocide made us baddies already then Im not on the same side as you and you cannot expect my vote
Alright, kid. Talk to me again when you have something else to say than only ad hominems and when you can carry an adult conversation.
Putin won't back down on Ukraine
Is this really a given? He must want something.
I'm not on the side of anyone doing genocide, that includes trump, biden, and harris. If you want me on your side, get a candidate who doesn't support genocide, pretty simple
He declined to execute the withdrawal, it didn't happen during the Trump administration.
Wars ended: 0.
Yeah I watched the whole thing, it gets really repetitive on the American side near the end. Zeleski is trying to talk but Trump and Vance keep saying "We are special, everything will work out, be greatful, say thanks"
I finde it borderline insane that not more people just tell the fat fuck no when he just lies.
Vance is much less capable than Trump (and yes, I realize the complete deapth of incompetence that would imply). The harm that he could do would be negated by the complete inability of anyone around him to take him or any threat from him seriously. Especially those on his own side.
Trump, at the very least, still has the threat of his rabid fans to wield.
while these malignant narcissists are in charge.
Not just then. Even if a standard quo administration magically appeared right now, it has been proven the the US can turn into a fascist dictatorship on a dime. It's an extremely unstable country and should be kept at arm's length as long as it has the current system of government, no matter who's in charge.
He does. He wants Ukraine.
Okay, besides Ukraine. Yes, I think that you could set up a deal to give Putin something that he wants in exchange for a truce. The problem is Putin can't be trusted, and, sooner or later, he'll break the truce, because he really, really, really wants Ukraine.
Then we would get President Chuck Grassley, ugh. Although he is 91, so he probably wouldn't be president for long.
History repeating itself as a literal farce this time around
Zelensky can only blame himself. If he showed some sense and restraint he would have returned to Ukraine with the deal. This is not the way you should act with Trump, and I should say especially not when your country depends on US support to the extend Ukraine does.
I thought that, too. The movement will whither without a charismatic, shameless entertainer as its face and focus; who else is out there like that? Then, it hit me.
Joe Rogan.
But it's not like President Leon is cozying up to Rogan... right?