Trump tells Zelensky 'make a deal or we're out' in angry White House meeting
Ukraine should make a deal with Europe. Europe should send troops to Ukraine.
Any deal with Trump is no deal at all. He's the kind of guy that, if you give an inch, starts waving his hands around about how you stole 16 inches from him, and how you must be thrown in a hole somewhere.
Granting him anything is telling him that you are weak and ripe to be exploited.
Did Trump and Vance think this embarrassing display made them look the better of the leaders?
Because it really didn't.
They're safer with a deal with guarantees, but Trump doesn't want to give any, only take the profit. Otherwise it's a choice between soldiers dying and soldiers dying with profit sharing.
Here's a link to the entire exchange. It's fucking surreal and infuriating.
Yes. USA already knows what its going to do. A hypothetical trade agreement isn't going to change the decision, so Ukraine should make exactly zero concessions in pursuit of influencing a decision which has already been made.
As an American I applaud Zelensky for not smacking the ever loving fuck out of those 2 bozos I wouldn’t have had the same restraint. You invite me to your house and tell me I should be thankful because you’re letting an aggressor fuck my country? Yea iight
Are you kidding, that was fucking legendary. I've never seen anything like that before in my entire life. In the Oval office Zelensky told Trump and Vance they were full of shit, bullies, and simping for Putin. Based Zelensky.
Yea, looks like they used their leverage over Zelensky to lure him into a trap that turned out to be a verbal-WWE media stunt...
Zelensky deserves every award there is for being able to keep his cool like that. I certainly wouldn't have been able to.
I suppose it might go down well with some of his base who love the "macho" shit, but the rest of the world are looking on with disgust.
In some ways, this has probably worked out well for Ukraine, as it might focus minds in Europe. Though I do wish Zelenskyy had pointed out the $350bn in aid lie that Trump keeps spouting.
This is fucking embarrassing.
Indeed. He's in an awful situation and has no good options. With only Europe (both politically and militarily) it will be real hard for them. OTOH with a blackmailed 'deal' with orange they loose a big piece of resources without any guarantees not to loose the rest to Russia or to the orange in a deal extension. To get out of this situation without a major loss would be a miracle, but hey, I really hope they make it.
Will no one in the media fucking grow some balls and ask trump why he is subservient to Putin?
I'm tempted to watch it but I only watched a clip and I can feel my blood boil.
Yeah... NATO is DEFINITELY not sending troops to Ukraine basically ever at this point. Because they increasingly need to be worried about both russia AND the us attacking them.
Don't do it, Zelensky. Trump is a Russian asset.
The E.U. will have your back.
They can sign a 50 year deal and stop payment 10 years from now, hopefully thing change for better then.
Holy fucking shit Zelenskyy needs the peace price now for not slapping that geriatric blowhard to the floor. What the actual fuck.
Though I do wish Zelenskyy had pointed out the $350bn in aid lie that Trump keeps spouting.
He would need to have been able to get a word in edgeways to do that. What should happen is that media reporting on it should point out that it's a lie but most media organizations seem too busy gargling Trump's balls these days for that.