I freed 30GB using Filelight
I was trying to remember the name of kdirstat ladt night when I stumbled across filelight and made use of that instead.
And now there'sa thread on this exact topic. Y'all need to quit it with all this Truman Show nonsense, Baader-Meinhof alone isn't enough to explain how frequently shit like this happens. XD
I love Filelight. Whoever came up with it is brilliant.
No, and I miss it. Space sniffer was so good.
Y'all need to quit it with all this Truman Show nonsense
Oh shit, he's onto us!
I might do that just to force myself to organize and move files out of downloads.
Cheese it!
(This is a joke don’t do this or you’ll ruin your computer)
Remove unused conda packages and caches:
conda clean --all
If you are a Python developer, this can easily be several or tens of GB.
ah, this filter by timestamp might be very useful to me, thanks
I don't think you'll need to do that, unless you are planning to download files that are over 4Gb long and/or you are using a potato that has less than 1 Gb of ram.
t. I've set my entire ram into a ramdisk, and the performance actually IMPROVED compared to not setting a ramdisk at all.
I use
du -hs * | sort -h
Isn't it the same?
Oh hey thanks for reminding me, freed 5GB which should buy me a bit of time on upgrading the server I use for this lemmy instance.
Basically, just using gtk instead of Qt